View Full Version : Dennis McGlynn's fight for freedom....

October 7th, 1999, 07:30 PM
Defendants' motion to be released on bail pending appeal, defendants' motion to extend his report date, and defendants' motion to modify terms of bail are *DENIED*. Defendant Dennis McGlynn is ORDERED to self-surrender to the Bureau of Prison on or before October 8th 1999!!

"Can you believe that a tax paying individual has to goto jail over a Class B Misdemeanor?!"

Where are the criminals that chased... yes chased Frank Gambalie to his death! I'll tell you where they are. They are sitting as hero's for capturing a criminal.

Please express your disapproval of the injustice and the fleecing of our National Parks by those who "run them?" and write to:

Washoe County Jail
911 Parr Boulevard
Reno, NV 89512
(775)328-2951 - Please call to confirm address!

Make sure the wall's don't close in on us any more than they are already! "It's Our Park Too!" Isn't it??????

Please Write!

Blue Skies and believe me NPS, you'll have your day!

October 7th, 1999, 07:37 PM
I only have a few short words to say about this crap! I'll be mailing my letter in the morning. They might have won this battle, but the battle is far from over!

Blue Skies and Black Death!

October 8th, 1999, 11:43 PM
Hi, I am not sure who orginally posted this.

A letter written to these people should not be an anonymous "flame" job. It will do more harm than good.

It would be best to concentrate on Dennis' positive traits and a request for early release.
Continued writing also helps a lot. I know this from experience, a single person (my friend's boss) got my friend released very early after he wrote every single day for 3 months telling them what a great guy/worker my friend was.

This is the type of letter that will truly help.


October 11th, 1999, 07:24 AM

Yes, Thanks for bringing this point up. You will definetly get a second look if there is a name addresses to a hand written letter. It show's that you took the time to care.

Did your friends Boss write them only to your friend or did he mail them to the Jail in C/O someone else? What would give the best result?

Best Regards, Tim

April 23rd, 2008, 08:21 PM

Thanks to those who came before me..........

Johnny D

May 4th, 2008, 04:20 PM
Can anyone give me Dennis's email address or give him mine? thanks in advance.
Take care,

June 2nd, 2008, 08:41 PM
Amen Mr. D.

June 2nd, 2008, 09:04 PM
Yo, J
since you are on here, does this mean you're ready to start jumping again?:confused:
Tell you what, I'll be down to pick you and Dennis up so we can go huck ourselves!

......making me jump by myself and shit!:D

April 14th, 2009, 01:39 PM
I am looking for an old friend named Dennis McGlynn, who in fact was a skydiver when I knew him in Longview Texas, back in the early 80's. Can anyone tell me if this might be the same Dennis that you are all talking about that had to serve time. I appreciate any information and your time. Thanks so much...randiej11

April 16th, 2009, 02:32 PM
That sounds like exactly the same Dennis McGlynn. But I don't know him or have contact info.

Someone on here does though..


April 17th, 2009, 06:14 AM
I am looking for an old friend named Dennis McGlynn, who in fact was a skydiver when I knew him in Longview Texas, back in the early 80's. Can anyone tell me if this might be the same Dennis that you are all talking about that had to serve time. I appreciate any information and your time. Thanks so much...randiej11
Maybe if you contact Apex or Consolidated Rigging, they can help you get in touch. Last I heard he is in Northern California, but I have no idea how to contact him.

June 17th, 2009, 12:26 PM
Hello all This is the last E-mail address
I Have for Dennis McGlynn ( gsltd@jps.net )
He's Not easy to track down, but it is Still Possible!
I'm Looking for Steve Jesters ( Muffbro#2 ) if anyone Knows where he is?
Please let me Know,
Blue Skys
Mark Denny
Muff Brother # 69
Titusville FL. USA

June 17th, 2009, 05:20 PM
There's a base jumping Jester working at skydive taft (Skydive Taft (http://www.skydivetaft.com)). No idea his real name or if he still base jumps but I know he used to. Might be the same guy.


June 17th, 2009, 05:20 PM
There's a base jumping Jester working at skydive taft (Skydive Taft (http://www.skydivetaft.com)). No idea his real name or if he still base jumps but I know he used to. Might be the same guy.


June 18th, 2009, 02:54 PM
Steve Jester is in CA and doing well. You can catch him on myspace.