View Full Version : Dan Horner, SA/Ops Chief, Yosemite

October 27th, 1999, 09:20 AM
I want to preface what I am about to say: I am acting purely on my own, here. I am not posting this for any organization, nor for anyone but myself.

I would like to publicly commend Mr. Dan Horner for his unbiased treatment of last Friday's protest jump as written in the nps morning report dated Tuesday, October 26, 1999, which may be found at:


Mr. Horner, I firmly believe that you should be writing for the Associated Press because Kiley Russell (of AP) TOTALLY missed the point. You, Sir, did what every journalist should do: you reported. You got the facts straight and you told the story as it happened, in an unbiased fashion.

I sincerely hope that my post here, and your fair treatment of the protest jump, does not draw fire from within your organization (perhaps it is pretentious of me to think that might happen).

The World would benefit from more people like yourself.

Thank You Sir!

K. Gardner Sapp, BASE 311
3000 Hwy 5, #506
Douglasville, GA 30135

October 27th, 1999, 11:10 AM

You made a great call giving Mr. Horner the thanks he deserves. Indeed, the media could learn a thing or two from him about reporting the facts. I believe now as I did prior to the unfortunate accident that just having an open dialog with the NPS Rangers to arrange the protest jumps was a HUGE step in the right direction. The unbiased reporting of Mr. Horner is appreciated, and demostrates thoroughly that there are reasonable, considerate, and professional individuals working at NPS. The lines of communication are obviously open, and we need to work to keep them that way. We have only the enemies we are willing to have, and the friends we are willing to make. T

Thank you again Mr. Horner, and to you Gardner.
