October 29th, 1999, 07:54 AM
Check out this post called "Consider this,"
posted by David S. Baker on Oct-28-99 at 08:08 PM, down in one of the threads I wrote about NPS policies. My response follows and if you have the time, send along some of your own!
Love and kisses...
= == =
To Base44,
Since you're so fond of famous quotes, try this one..."me thinks he doth protest too much."
Your fixation with this Connelly person is very telling from a psychological standpoint. One might say you actually are titillated by his activities and are living vicariously through him.
Also, you nazi references fall into the same category...
Like you, Adolf Hitler preached civil disobedience and anarchy in his days before coming to power.
Seek Help!!
Your El Capitan Beer Hall Putsch was as ineffective and tactically inept as anything he ever thought up.
Seek Help!!
These verbal barrages you post are equally as inept and unsuccessful at swaying opinion as any V-1 rocket ever launched by Hitler.
Seek Help!!
Substitute the word "Jews" for each NPS reference in your mountain of diatribes, and you've got yourself a nice little Mein Kampf going there.
Seek Help!!
Could it be that you're actually a closet pedophile and neo-nazi?
It's all very Freudian...
To Earl Redfern and all other clear thinking Base jumpers out there...
Don't lower yourselves by giving Base44 a verbal "high five" when he posts that garbage. Stay on the moral high road and keep trying to get your views heard and understood. People like Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks accomplished more in just a few years than all of the screaming abolitionists had in the previous one hundred. They did this through quiet dignity and rightiousness, not ranting and name calling.
I realize you have an almost impossible task, battling an immense government monolith, but just as El Capitan will one day be so much sand in a far distant riverbed, you too can chip away at your mountain by fighting the good fight and hanging in there.
I wish you all good luck, and I hope I'm not insulting all of you who've "been there" by saying Blue skies.
= = =
BASE44's answer:
Idito Dialectic and the morally depraved
= = = =
Mr. Baker:
You're a good writer, very observant, and obviously educated (Jeez, at least you know who Rosa and Martin are, and what a V-i1 is! :), but unfortunately, you have major deficiencies when it comes to correlating your data, making sense of what you read, and understanding basic morality .
Yes, I am fixated with Connelly, in part because the slimy little weasel strip-searched _me_ when I was arrested in Yosemite in 1979 for jumping El Capitan.
And yes, I'd like to see that slimy little weasel really fry because he walked after 16 months for the crimes he committed, when non-law enforcement pedophiles usually look at 16 YEARS.
Now, an interest in revenge and _justice_ may seem perverted to you, but tell me, sir, do you bash the kids who come forward years later to talk about abuse at the hands of priests and other trusted adults in their lives? Do you accuse _them_ of being closet pedophiles who live vicariously through their attackers? There's a bit of a stink coming from your halo, sir.
Once you get to the Nazi stuff, your conclusions wander ever further afield.
You contend that my resistance to police state thugs and their perverted policies means that I actually _support_ and "live vicariously" through them? You must have been a sociology major.
You said: "Like you, Adolf Hitler preached civil disobedience and anarchy in his days before coming to power."
And like me, so did Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Gandhi.... jeez, dude, what kind of brain farts are you blowing our way here?
You said: "Substitute the word "Jews" for each NPS reference in your mountain of diatribes, and you've got yourself a nice little Mein Kampf going there... Could it be that you're actually a closet pedophile and neo-nazi?
It's all very Freudian..."
This is what I mean about having trouble correlating what you read: You think the victim is the aggressor, and you delight in blaming the victim for all that’s happened. Talk about Freudian. You are one very sick pup, and that "Seek Help!" mantra of yours is better directed to yourself. Maybe you can ask your police chaplain, because if I had to guess -- from a Freudian standpoint, you know -- I’d say you were an NPS law enforcement ranger or a cop wannabee...
As for Earl Redfern and all other clear thinking Base jumpers out there, when they see your post, you are going to have a little more .... data... to correlate.
And no, you don’t insult us who’ve "been there" by saying "Blue Skies." Just be advised that the second part of the refrain is "Black Death," as in" It’s beautiful out there, but dangerous, so be careful and don’t be surprised if the Reaper visits when you least expect it."
You know, of all the people who have yelled at me on this board, you’re the one who is not only the most clueless but easily the most morally depraved. Maybe you’re one of Scott Connelly’s hunting partners.
posted by David S. Baker on Oct-28-99 at 08:08 PM, down in one of the threads I wrote about NPS policies. My response follows and if you have the time, send along some of your own!
Love and kisses...
= == =
To Base44,
Since you're so fond of famous quotes, try this one..."me thinks he doth protest too much."
Your fixation with this Connelly person is very telling from a psychological standpoint. One might say you actually are titillated by his activities and are living vicariously through him.
Also, you nazi references fall into the same category...
Like you, Adolf Hitler preached civil disobedience and anarchy in his days before coming to power.
Seek Help!!
Your El Capitan Beer Hall Putsch was as ineffective and tactically inept as anything he ever thought up.
Seek Help!!
These verbal barrages you post are equally as inept and unsuccessful at swaying opinion as any V-1 rocket ever launched by Hitler.
Seek Help!!
Substitute the word "Jews" for each NPS reference in your mountain of diatribes, and you've got yourself a nice little Mein Kampf going there.
Seek Help!!
Could it be that you're actually a closet pedophile and neo-nazi?
It's all very Freudian...
To Earl Redfern and all other clear thinking Base jumpers out there...
Don't lower yourselves by giving Base44 a verbal "high five" when he posts that garbage. Stay on the moral high road and keep trying to get your views heard and understood. People like Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks accomplished more in just a few years than all of the screaming abolitionists had in the previous one hundred. They did this through quiet dignity and rightiousness, not ranting and name calling.
I realize you have an almost impossible task, battling an immense government monolith, but just as El Capitan will one day be so much sand in a far distant riverbed, you too can chip away at your mountain by fighting the good fight and hanging in there.
I wish you all good luck, and I hope I'm not insulting all of you who've "been there" by saying Blue skies.
= = =
BASE44's answer:
Idito Dialectic and the morally depraved
= = = =
Mr. Baker:
You're a good writer, very observant, and obviously educated (Jeez, at least you know who Rosa and Martin are, and what a V-i1 is! :), but unfortunately, you have major deficiencies when it comes to correlating your data, making sense of what you read, and understanding basic morality .
Yes, I am fixated with Connelly, in part because the slimy little weasel strip-searched _me_ when I was arrested in Yosemite in 1979 for jumping El Capitan.
And yes, I'd like to see that slimy little weasel really fry because he walked after 16 months for the crimes he committed, when non-law enforcement pedophiles usually look at 16 YEARS.
Now, an interest in revenge and _justice_ may seem perverted to you, but tell me, sir, do you bash the kids who come forward years later to talk about abuse at the hands of priests and other trusted adults in their lives? Do you accuse _them_ of being closet pedophiles who live vicariously through their attackers? There's a bit of a stink coming from your halo, sir.
Once you get to the Nazi stuff, your conclusions wander ever further afield.
You contend that my resistance to police state thugs and their perverted policies means that I actually _support_ and "live vicariously" through them? You must have been a sociology major.
You said: "Like you, Adolf Hitler preached civil disobedience and anarchy in his days before coming to power."
And like me, so did Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Gandhi.... jeez, dude, what kind of brain farts are you blowing our way here?
You said: "Substitute the word "Jews" for each NPS reference in your mountain of diatribes, and you've got yourself a nice little Mein Kampf going there... Could it be that you're actually a closet pedophile and neo-nazi?
It's all very Freudian..."
This is what I mean about having trouble correlating what you read: You think the victim is the aggressor, and you delight in blaming the victim for all that’s happened. Talk about Freudian. You are one very sick pup, and that "Seek Help!" mantra of yours is better directed to yourself. Maybe you can ask your police chaplain, because if I had to guess -- from a Freudian standpoint, you know -- I’d say you were an NPS law enforcement ranger or a cop wannabee...
As for Earl Redfern and all other clear thinking Base jumpers out there, when they see your post, you are going to have a little more .... data... to correlate.
And no, you don’t insult us who’ve "been there" by saying "Blue Skies." Just be advised that the second part of the refrain is "Black Death," as in" It’s beautiful out there, but dangerous, so be careful and don’t be surprised if the Reaper visits when you least expect it."
You know, of all the people who have yelled at me on this board, you’re the one who is not only the most clueless but easily the most morally depraved. Maybe you’re one of Scott Connelly’s hunting partners.