View Full Version : Sick and Tired of the Media and their Portrayals

November 15th, 1999, 05:24 PM
Ok. I need to rant about this.

I'm sick and tired of the blatent inaccuracies in the news media. Take a look at just about any article about BASE jumping (especially the latest one on BLiNC - Nov. 15th) and it is absolutely terrible.

I understand that some people are going to take a stance against BASE jumping, but for crying out loud, at least report the facts correctly.

I am convinced that the media will simply make up facts and portray the story as they see fit.

Is this disturbing trend noticeable to you?


November 15th, 1999, 08:14 PM
Well after hanging from the power tower for 4.5 hours. (I did the crime, I paid the time) The Sac County Sherif Dept told us they would not arrest. But! We had to let them drive us by the media for a photo shoot. We were in the back of a cop car (as I'm sure many of you have seen). They drove us by the media frenzy. The officer told us we could hang our heads or hide our faces if we wanted. So of course we waived and smiled and flashed peace signs. Hey! I was happy to be inhabiting my own flesh at this point. They drove us down the road. Turned out the lights until the media left, then drove us back to the sight, wrote us a ticket for trespassing, took my gear and left. Seems more like a Hollywood production to me. Yeah. A little tired myself. I will NEVER beleive what I see on TV again.Peace.Out.B