View Full Version : Yosemite $5 fund
November 17th, 1999, 11:37 PM
I have to apologize for not posting this earlier, but want to thank the following individuals for their contribution to the $5 fund:
Jimmy Lynn -- (it was a pleasant surprise to see you in Santa Rosa, thanks for the support)
Alexandria Badenhop
Avery & Jerri Badenhop
Tim Sumpter
Chris Bazil
Gardner Sapp
Mari Schroering
Nik Hartshorne
Mark Krasinski
Marc Goracke
Jason Bell
Jay Bohnert
Jacob Easter
Bruce Kramer
Justin Bearinger
Brian Casey
My apologizes for anyone whose name I screwed up, but ya gotta write a little neater!!
Thanks again to all of you!!! xoxoxo
November 17th, 1999, 11:41 PM
Tim, I have pictures back from both Elsinore and Yosemite and am sending them in the mail. Sorry for the delay, been out of town too much lately, but am back!!! cya
November 18th, 1999, 01:55 AM
85 dollars is all you people could come up with?
I can't believe anyone would risk their freedom,
or their life for you bunch of cheap ass losers!
You folks are WEAK!
November 18th, 1999, 08:36 AM
Now some of those names listed sent more than $5, actually I received $130. That is really sad huh? I must say I was definitely dissappointed and sent those funds on but will wait for my next fundraising brainstorm to get the matching funds from the companies I asked. I talked to Brenda and decided not to use this small amount of money to get the matching funds when they were expecting around $500. So, any ideas on a fundraiser any of you who did NOT contribute to this one??????????? The hitch on the matching funds is they will MATCH what we raise!!
November 18th, 1999, 09:50 AM
That will make the total $260.00.
Anyone else want to help with this?
November 18th, 1999, 10:54 AM
I'm broke right now, but I'm going to send $25 to Caren. I'm also going to hit up my local BASE jumping mates this weekend. I'm sure I can get $50-$100 for Caren.
I slept throught the original drive, but won't this time!
COME ON EVERYBODY! SCRAPE UP A FEW DOLLARS, EVEN IF ITS ONLY $5-$10!!! Through Caren's efforts and those of the companies that are willing to match the funds, we could make a HUGE difference with only a few bucks coming from each of us. LET'S MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!
Caren - Could you please post your address again. Also, after the donations have been matched, could you please post the name and addresses of the companies that are matching our funds - I would like to write them a letter of appreciation!
November 18th, 1999, 01:09 PM
Okay people. I can see it will take a few of us to get the ball rolling, before everyone else jumps on the band wagon.
I am sending my $100 to Caren tomorrow!
Come and and join the fun! Throw caution to the wind and your money into "THE" cause!
Blue Skies, Beppbeep
November 18th, 1999, 09:35 PM
I am amazed at how so many of you "dorks" (those that know me well, know I call everyone a dork so no offense), hadn't seen the post before. Well, to those that did respond already: you are the greatest, and now, only a week and 3 days later, we have started something once again. So, for all of you interested in sending me $5 for "the cause", send to: Caren Bearinger, 26 Burlington Dr., Petaluma, CA 94952. Names will be added to the list in order of receipt, so Mick please leave the name list on the board - thx.
I'm really glad to see the responses posted, I guess ya'll ain't so bad after all!!! xoxox
November 19th, 1999, 02:59 PM
Not that I don't want to be included in your "cheap ass loser" category, but my name was on the list and I don't remember giving $5 to anyone.
Perhaps I was mistaken for donating two "FIXED 2!" BASE jumping videos to the access fund raffle and the $50 I handed to Fred Morelli Bridge Day night?
But I'm sure Mr. "THAT'S IT" dontated more than that.
November 20th, 1999, 11:58 AM
Jason, first of all I never labeled anyone "cheap ass losers", and on my post I did say if I misspelled or got a name wrong, I apologize, so whoever sent me the $5 with no return address on the envelope, wrote J. Bell (I thought) in small print on the bill, I am sorry your name wasn't on the list, you can let me know and I'll change it. So, I gave you credit and didn't give any to someone who probably thinks I'm a bitch for not listing them. I never intended to piss off anyone by this fundraiser, and know that many of you have given many contributions already in more ways than just $. This was simply a way to raise some big bucks for Fred without anyone hurting their pocket (simply giving up a six pack of beer). I have no idea how much, if anything "Mr. That's It" contributed, because so many people are too embarassed to post their real names when they talk ##### on this board!! Sorry Jason, and sorry to whoever sent me that $5. bill.
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