View Full Version : ILL VISION and the last full moon of the millennium

December 11th, 2000, 02:09 AM
LAST EDITED ON Dec-11-00 AT 03:35 AM (PST)[p]You should have been out flickin' it!!

ill vision

12-11-00 , 3am

How was that full moon!!??

Did you flick it?

We sure did!!

The three of us got

three apiece off ßŧÊ-1,

our local happy place.

The Trickster started us off

and it wasn't over until

Cliff and I got in the

first bitchin' two-way from ßŧÊ-1,

ßŧÊ-1 also saw it's first aerial......:-)

What's your story?


We got ßŧÊ

December 11th, 2000, 01:15 PM
3 of the local loonies managed to find a 5 minute break between the sleet and rain for a nice moon rise set of our very slick/wet local cliff.

We probably all looked like fairies( manly ones of course) tip toeing across the exit point but nevertheless enjoyed the last full moon with a pint tipped to all shortly there after.

December 11th, 2000, 04:34 PM
the local southeasterlies in advance of the latest frontal system provided impetus for two righteous flicks into tight LZ's from a couple of my favorite towers yesterday. i made my first jump into the (virgin?) northwest sector of one tower at 0230hrs and followed it up with a low-pull into the industrial wreckage beneath another at 2210hrs. things worked out to where i could have some friends below the first one to witness the dark art, and the second was attended by my best helper. too much fun!

December 14th, 2000, 05:57 AM
Marta, Mario, and Jimmy got the Alligator over the river in Moab. What a ride!