View Full Version : Sorry about the Board Mick! and to all else

February 9th, 2001, 10:40 AM
To all you who have been reading the posts about the lemmings video, sorry to be so childish. Tree and Donk bring up many ineteresting points. They seem like smart guys. I was just interested in taking the heat off of Will, and it seems I have.
And to Mick, sorry to spam your board with such childish posts. It seems sometimes that's all people want to read. It is a good board, and many good things have came from it. I will start no more flames, unless provoked to. Yes, I was provoking you guys, and it worked. I had fun reading your responses in an anonymous way. I will meet you face to face to talk sometime, or email you in person if you want. I just don't claim stuff on the board for other people like me reading it, who are looking for a rise. And some things, like BASE, I can't tell the public who read this board. Such as where I worked. I'd be glad to discuss it over a bowl of nugs or a beer.

February 9th, 2001, 02:13 PM
Peace... and the beer will be my treat if our paths ever cross. :-)

Donk out