View Full Version : Bridge Day Registration Details
June 26th, 2002, 11:00 AM
Bridge Day registration starts July 1st at 2pm EST. Go to: for details. You can register through a secure server. Your personal information will be securely handled by one BASE jumper only (Jason Bell). You will be required to submit your name, date of birth, and SSN (or passport and country if not a US citizen). This data will be personally delivered by me to the Sheriff around Sept. 1st for background checks and then destroyed after Bridge Day 2002. If you would like to get around the SSN issue, you have until Sept. 1st to provide alternative solutions to the State of WV's mandatory background checks in order to bring "backpacks" onto the New River Gorge Bridge. Please let us know if you have any ideas.
What will disqualify you during the background check? Previous arrests for terrorist activities, bombs, etc. Misdemeanor warrants such as traffic tickets will not disqualify you nor get you arrested at Bridge Day. If you have a felony warrant for something else, I suggest you not register or show up at Bridge Day 2002. Sorry I have to mention this, but jumpers have asked lately.
Holiday Inn room reservations are first come, first serve starting Sept. 1-15 for registered jumpers or trade show booth registrants only. If your name is not on the registered jumper or trade show booth list we provide to the Holiday Inn, then you should try to get a room at the Comfort Inn or the new Super 8.
How will you know if you got one of the 400 slots to jump at Bridge Day 2002? If the webstore is enabled, you can still register. I will try to update the webstore daily to show how many slots are left. When all slots are full, we'll take a "waiting list" in case someone drops out. The website will clearly state when registration is full.
Staff members will be contacted for registration details by this weekend. All staff must register just like everyone else.
Jumping is $60, same as last year. Trade show booths are $100, same as last year. Hotel rooms are $143.88 for Friday and Saturday night with a 2-night minimum, which is about the same as last year from what I recall.
Mandatory items are 9' bridles and 42" minimum pilot chutes. No high performance canopies are permitted. Please jump base specific gear if possible. Don't forget, this year you can choose to jump from the top of the Go Fast bus (12.5' tall) or the standard ramps on the railing!!!
Questions? Please read our FAQ on the website mentioned above or email any of us at:
Have a great Bridge Day 2002, from the Go Fast Event Company!
June 26th, 2002, 11:15 AM
Where is Jim Guyer? Isn't he signing the permit? Why do we have to pay for this Go Fast promotion? Will you publish a financial report?
June 27th, 2002, 02:23 AM
Hey ##### it isn't any of your damm business how the financials work. So quit asking. It's a business so Fu(king get over it. I personally think they deserve it just solely on the fact that all of you assholes cry about it all of the time and the bullshit they or any past event coordinator has to got through. Pay it or shut the hell up cry baby.
In fact why dont you post all of you financial accounts, bank staments, check book, ATM passcods, etc. for us to see I think that is fair since I am a base jumper. Don't you think I have the right!!
Ya right.
Deal with it
June 27th, 2002, 05:14 AM
Yeah "Guest" you b1tch,
I'm with Fu(k you on this one. Quit your damn belly aching. Oh my god, where's all the money hoo. The bottom line is, you pay the money or don't jump. 60 f'in bucks man. For jumping and partying. Oh wait!!....I guess your argument will be "yeah, but uh 60 x 400 = 24,000 and that's alot of money" so what retard! I hope they make a huge profit and party there a$$es of at some remote BASE paradise.
Do a better job yourself, or FU(K OFF.
what a moron
June 27th, 2002, 05:41 AM
Sorry dude, I disagree...They should do a better job AND fu(k off.
June 27th, 2002, 06:22 AM
Hey Skin,
How can you say they should do better when the event hasn't even happened yet?
Another dumba$$. Bottom line AGAIN, do better yourself or SHUT UP!!
June 27th, 2002, 07:45 AM
It sounds to me that Guest and Skin want to compare check books with the BD staff. It's amazing how peolpe start their whinning and they haven't put one foot on the bus for BD 2002.
Trust me...Everyone ever involved in BD made something. Whether it be monitary or sheer happiness they gained something. This is almost a full time job for anyone involved. This is WORK. This is work for your sorry a$$es to make a jump. With that being said shut up and jump. If you choose not to go to BD then that's just another slot for someone else to fill. I'm sure this will be a person who respects the work others due for them for simple emjoyment.
June 27th, 2002, 08:11 AM
Refer to the JTS - B&D threads. There seem to be a bunch of dickheads on this board who hate to see anyone make money. Everytime someone brings up the (gulp!) $7 boat ride at Perrine (and it is much cheaper if you buy in bulk, btw) there is a whiny post about how they can make $3-4000 on memorial day, or whatever.
SO FU(KING WHAT!!!!?????
"waaa waaa, they bought a new boat, waa waa, and I am now $140 poorer because of their ridiculous prices, waa waa waa!"
People in this world need to make money. Beyond the break even point. If they happen to make money doing something they like doing, more power to them. If I pay them to help me do something I like and they like getting paid by me to do something THEY, like, even more power to them. If you can't exist at more than a break even level, sorry about that, but that is your damn problem.
You only need concern yourself with one thing. Are you willing to pay the fee to enjoy yourself?
Are you guys the type of people that go back into McDonalds and complain that one of your 20 piece chicken mcnuggets is under-weight? You sure friggin sound like you are.
FYI I am NOT rich. I am NOT affiliated with B&D or BD. I actually do work with the SEC from time to time, and am familiar with financial reporting requirements of small businesses, so I am as financially anal as they come. However, as non-public entities, these folks have NO LEGAL (or even moral) requirement to show you whiny fu(ks their books unless you are a board member or shareholder. If you ain't one of them, then pay your money, shut your goddamn goo gobblers, and enjoy the benefits that $7, or $60 gets you.
Just because you live out of a 1989 Dodge minivan, don't begrudge people their right to make a buck, even if it is off you.
June 27th, 2002, 09:19 AM
hey ##### the permit for bridge day from the nps requires that it be not for profit, suck on that biatch
June 27th, 2002, 09:34 AM
HA HA HA Ha....HE HE HE HE! I can't stop laughing over that one. Let's see who all is involved in BD...the city, state and government. They all get money from this. You're only kidding yourself..not for profit.
I really can't stop laughing over that one. :7
June 27th, 2002, 10:31 AM
It is not a laughing matter. And your assumptions are not exactly correct. Yes, the City, and State are involved in Bridge Day, but the City Government does not make money from Bridge Day, it costs them money to manage the event, DOT, Cops, monitors, etc., etc. The State Government is also involved, but it costs them money too, DOT, Cops, etc., etc. Who does make money? The local businesses, like hotels, restaurants, gas stations, markets, etc., etc. Also, the vendors who set up along the road by the bridge, they make money too, but they have to pay a fee to have their vendor slot. Now the last people to mention are the BASE jumpers. They have to get a SPECIAL permit from the NPS to land at Fayette Station. With all such permits given by the NPS, liability insurance is required. Bridge Day is an exception to that rule. Part of the stipulations for the Bridge Day permit are that the insurance will be waived, providing that the (BASE jumper) entity responsible for the permit is not for profit.
I wonder if Troy knows that..........
June 27th, 2002, 10:35 AM
You might have me there. If they make a profit that they are legally prohibited from keeping, then yes, lets break out the tar and feathers. That amounts to fraud, and even if the NPS one of the victims, it is still bad. Given those circumstances, I would bet that they may even be legally responsible to provide a set of financials showing the use of funds, since the work was performed "in the public domain", or words to that effect. I was probably wrong when it comes to BD.
However, the main point of my post was that people suck. And I was really more focusing on the B&D aspect, since I could give a rat's butt about BD. So with regards to B&D and their boats, everyone should still SHUT THE FU(K UP!!!!
Question. Are you really more concerned that the BD organizers may be violating some BS NPS rule, or that the organizers are making a buck off you?
However, like the rest of the "system", I would bet there are some good loopholes that enable "not for profits" to legally make an extra buck. For example, what does a "real world" NFP do if they take in more cash than is needed to cover expenses? Do they give it back? No, it would probably remain as retained earnings and hopefully be used to lower costs the next year, which is a different thing entirely from the organizers pocketing it. Idaknow, I know zip about NFPs, someone correct me.
June 27th, 2002, 11:03 AM
There are a couple things to be concerned about. The whole deal is a big fat mess. The jumpers are expected to show up and provide the show, AND pay to do it. For several years now, jumpers have been hassling the Bridge Day BASE organizers for financial records. The only people who have the right, (albeit once again unfair), is the Bridge Day Commission, and once again due to a STIPULATION. I agree, the BASE organizers should be allowed to make money, from me too. The NPS rule is BS. But what's the surprize, all NPS rules regarding BASE jumping are BS. And all of this has nothing to do with B&D at the Perrine. They are a private business, and making money is the American way. Yes, people suck, especially BASE jumpers. Selfish, self rightious, ego maniacs, the list goes on. The more jumpers I meet, the more I like my dog.
June 27th, 2002, 11:32 AM
everyone sucks except for you and me.
June 27th, 2002, 02:23 PM
Hey now! Leave the Dog out of this ok?
June 27th, 2002, 02:57 PM
How about a valid driver's license number in lieu of a SS#? That would seem to be plenty for a background check consisting of a review of criminal record alone. Heck, when we get pulled over for speeding and such, we aren't asked for our SS# - just our driver's license right?
Also, do you have a written statement from the sheriff's department regarding the extent of the background check, the confidentiality of the list of jumper names, and the destruction of the list after the event? I'd think a written policy on whatever information is handed over would be both a reasonable request on the part of the organizers, and a simple thing for law enforcement to provide.
Is the list of jumpers going to be turned over to the NPS by the sheriff? If not, do you have this in writing?
Finally, is there any plan for closing vehicle traffic on the whole bridge, or are loaded 20,000 pound fuel tankers going to be driving by 250,000 spectactors and 400 background-checked BASE jumpers all day long?
June 27th, 2002, 05:42 PM
Hear! Hear!
couldn't have said it better myself. Actually, a name and birthdate should suffice, but I'll certainly agree that the LEOs should be able to accomplish their task with a DL# and state of issue.
I'm HIGHLY concerned about the traffic in the other lane. Seems awfully pointless to screen the BASE jumpers and not the fuel tankers, et al.
Jason, this is a question that I really would like to hear some information about, if you have any.
June 27th, 2002, 05:45 PM
meant 311 not 31
June 28th, 2002, 02:45 AM
Just give up your SS you Ppussy. Its only a number your experience is need at BD.
Signed you know who
June 28th, 2002, 04:30 AM
Dearest Mr. Spicolli,
If I were to cough up the SSN now then I'd be succumbing to peer pressure. That has never happened before (psssssshyeah, right). What makes you think Ima start now?
Without the traffic being either: 1) stopped altogether; or 2) examined thoroughly; then the whole SSN thing seems to be a Fayetteville Sheriff's Office powertrip. Disregarding the threat the traffic might pose to Bridge Day goers undermines the legitimacy of the Office of Sheriff, or at least the duties of the BD security team (if it's a multi-agency task force).
If the Sheriff's office is going to require SSNs to check up on us, then it owes those of us who give them the comfort in knowing that everyone's background (or lading) will be checked (at least for those on the bridge who aren't empty-handed).
As ever I remain,
sincerely yours,
p.s. gonna have your testicles this evening?
July 1st, 2002, 04:59 AM
I wanted to revive this thread because I think the dog makes a good point. Is someone going to be checking the traffic in the other lane? Hopefully Jason will give us an answer soon. Most tractor-trailers can carry between 60,000 and 80,000 pounds of cargo!! Sure as hell scares me.
July 1st, 2002, 05:41 AM
I have brought that up with the Bridge Day Commission (BDC). They have mentioned this issue, but I don't think they realize what they're dealing with. While the BDC is so focused on someone taking a backpack full of explosives on the Bridge, although most suicide bombers can easily wear them under a long shirt, the tanker trucks pass by full of gasoline or other explosives.
Doesn't make any sense to me. I don't know what rationale they have on this issue. They are supposed to have a security plan in writing by mid-August at the latest. I'll pass on any details.
Jason Bell
July 1st, 2002, 05:51 AM
I was agreeing. That's why the "AND" was in caps.
ie not "OR" ie "do better and shut up" not "do better or shutup"
Not sure if I want to be on the same side as you if you can't tell friend from foe.
Love n hugs,
Skin (Pro-bridge day, Pro- Jason Bell et al and pro-legal base in general).
Hope this doesn't confuse you too much.
July 1st, 2002, 05:57 AM
Sorry dude, I was all fired up when I posted.
July 2nd, 2002, 08:04 AM
The internal drama that is Bridge Day is serious I know, but it’s kind of hilarious when you consider how long it's been going on . . .
In 1985 Jean Boenish is running Bridge Day for the third or fourth time and 250,00 spectators show up. (Still the most?)
And here begins the first public rumblings of jumper unrest.
“There are too many skydivers here.”
“There are too many BASE jumpers here.”
“The Chamber of Commerce should be paying us”
“I came here to BASE jump, not spin doughnuts.”
And the ever popular,
“We want our money back!”
I remember thinking, the sport is changing, as before just jumping was amazing enough. Jean continued until 1991 when she said it was her last time as organizer. “The years of dealing with hard to please BASE jumpers, inept local officials, plus the logistics of running BASE jumping biggest event has taken a toll.”
Andy Calistrate took over in a bloodless financial coup and ushered in the “party” years. All's well until after time jumpers began attacking Andy as Andy himself attacked Jean.
“Where’s all the friggin money going?”
“Why you giving our names to the Rangers?”
And so it goes . . .
A good Bridge Day history can be had here:
BASE 194
July 2nd, 2002, 08:12 AM
Well said Nick. I have a new respect for past organizers and all their efforts. The GoFast team and I have been up late working on Bridge Day 2002 too many times to count.
Jason Bell
July 2nd, 2002, 09:52 AM
With this Jason Bell person trying to slide in and get his slice of the pie,Bridge Day this year will be screwed up, like most Bridge Day's. Jason only cares about 1 thing "Money". Also if Jason had his way he would outlaw back to earth camera BASE jumps, "WAD" deployments, etc. Jason is a "IDIOT"...Big Dog :x
July 2nd, 2002, 10:11 AM
FYI: Go Fast Event Company is running Bridge Day. I am a volunteer who happens to live close to the NRGB and I wanted to help this year. I organized the website for Go Fast and am handling registration for them. I get nothing out of this except the satisfaction of watching all my BASE friends have a great Bridge Day 2002.
Jason Bell
PS. If you read the latest issue of Skydiving, Robin Heid misquoted me on my dislike of WAD or TARD deployments. I actually think they're very cool. I was mainly complaining about drinking at the Perrine visitors center and walking across the road at the middle of the bridge.....all valid criticizms.
Have a nice day!!
July 2nd, 2002, 02:57 PM
Who is this Robin Hied character? Isn't he the one who organized the jumping off the building in Malaysia? I have read his articles in Skydiving and you mean to say that he misquotes people? The magazine wouldn't let him get away with that.
July 2nd, 2002, 05:59 PM
Hey, even the best of us get it wrong now and then, and you're right, Bouncer; if I did it often, "the magazine" would NOT let me get away with that.
But I've been writing for SKYDIVING for 23 years now on a regular or occasional basis, and I'd put my error-to-right-on ratio up against any reporter in the world -- and I must say, this is the only time an error on my part has been used by whining bitches to take shots at the person I misquoted.
Sorry to give added ammo to the WB network, Jason, especially since you're doing such a conscientious job. Let's do a debrief when you get a spare second and see where I blew it.
July 2nd, 2002, 06:07 PM
In between all my complaining about other things (sorry, I'm a born griper!), I probably told Robin over the phone about the TARD jumps that involved unpacked canopies. He may have thought I was also complaining about these type of jumps, which I was not. Actually, they are pretty cool.
If anything, it was a misunderstanding and it's not Robin's fault. No big deal.
Jason Bell
July 3rd, 2002, 05:33 AM
Although I wasn't at Bridge Day every year, I have to say in defence of the gripers that the first I heard anything about 'give us our money back!' was in 1988 when the winds were a bit high and Jean decided to give the jump permit back to the NPS without regard that some people felt they could jump. Then she started to say, well the money's already been spent. Then people that did risk jumping and were subject to fines or prosecution, she started saying well you won't get your money back anyway because you jumped....
That was also the year somebody landed on the hood of a sherriff's vehicle on the road....
Skypuppy BASE 92
July 3rd, 2002, 06:12 PM
jason bell took on this job so that the base jumpers would be able to jump the nrg bridge on bday. he is a very competent organizer and very experienced base jumper. he is a volunteer, like the rest of us, working hard to make this happen. why dont you buttheads offer a hand to make this event happen and work smoothly instead of whinning like a sissy!!!
if you only knew what is involved behind the scenes, i bet you wouldnt take this job on for free!!!
if you assholes would follow directions and dont bother jason, he might have time to get this alll together, instead of answersing your rude comments. he's doing this for the jumpers, not the cash (profit) lol. there will be no profit and if there is by some stroke of luck, i hope he gets paid for the time he spent doing this for you. or maybe you ought to pay him!!!!! lol that wont be happening, i would bet money
there are a lot of us working on this event and i take these rude comments personally from you ungratfull assholes, and hope you dont get to jump on bday
for all of you who are afraid to sign your name to your posts, dont bother writing unless you want to take the crediit for your post!!!
July 4th, 2002, 04:47 PM
all sounds pretty familiar to me. thing is, there are still a LOT of hidden hoops to jump through, which should make it pretty interesting to watch. good luck guys.
July 5th, 2002, 09:10 AM
Jason, you forgot to mention how much of an Idioit you are. Big Dog
July 5th, 2002, 10:18 AM
Thanks, I needed a good laugh in between all the work I'm doing for Bridge Day 2002.
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