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November 17th, 2003, 10:55 PM
The excitment has certainly raised a few notches since the last posting.

Firstly, the usual confusion on where and when gets asked. PLease read previous posts if you do not know.

Several things have changed. The hotel we are all staying at is still not confirmed but I believe it will be located in the Empire Tower. Not the Corvus or Concord anymore. I am sorry for those that made bookings.

We will also be doing a day of exhibition jumps from this building. It will not form part of the competition but will be a day of testing and trying it out. See photo http://www.emporis.info/en/il/im/?id=150591

I am sorry for this change but we are trying to get the best deal for the amount of jumpers.

We have sent invitations to 57 people. I will close it at sixty so please apply if you are undecided.


MIXSA is very concerned people have applied and have no intention of attending. If you are going please forward your flight details. Otherwise it will be assumed you are not going and your slot will be given to someone else. The sooner you do it you will be confirmed.

KL Tower is still intended to be the first building of the event however, once again it is a complicated array of negotiation around getting this building locked down.

Petronas is confirmed and so is the Empire Tower. Menara Telekom is also still on the table. This is the state of play at the moment.

Please email Dann your flight info.

I will be arriving in KL on the 17th Dec. More info will follow soon as issues become more certain.


Australian BASE Association

December 3rd, 2003, 12:06 AM
G'day guys,

Things are on track for the event. I am working with Dann and Jasmina to run an event as good as the last. I will arrive in KL on December 17th with my wife, mother, brother and friends as well as the technical directors and judges. It has become quite a team effort.

Currently, accommodation is being shored up and I will post shortly which hotel it will be. Basically, expect to be in KL for a registration/Briefing on the 27th. You will need to have your gear and regsitration fee with you. Exactly where and when will depend on the final hotel.

As far as good rates on airfares I am afraid these are very hard to come by now as I understand. I am travelling from Oz so I am unaware of the costs first hand to travel from the US.

Rules will be emailed shortly for competitors to review and any comments or suggestions should be raised via email to me.

I am touched by all the support and thank those that have gone out of their way to speak up.


Australian BASE Association

December 10th, 2003, 12:37 AM
The Hotel will be the Mutiara Kuala Lumpur 5 Star and previously known as the Hilton.

Please see for location: http://www.mutiarahotels.com/mutiara_kl/this_mutiara/kl_location.html

Briefing will be on the 27th December in the morning in the Hotel unless otherwise announced. Bring your rig and registration fee.

Rules will be emailed shortly.


Australian BASE Association