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January 10th, 2004, 02:35 AM

January 10th, 2004, 06:04 AM
Hey Dave whats the deal with the crowbar..........

January 10th, 2004, 07:38 AM
I talked to Slewyn and Jonny 9lives and Dirty Dave (Dumbass Dave) was warned not to jump this site. He was also told if he was going to jump that at a minimum, lock picking was required. Dave, not Selwyn, is the guy who needs his ass beat over what can only be called the worst violation of BASE ehtis I can ever remember. A f--king crowbar!

I want to personally thank Dave for casting ALL base jumpers in such a poor light. People that know I jump will surely ask if I know you, and if I destroy property to make my jumps. You stinky little Fu(k! You should get out of the USA while you can. I'm sure your bros in the UK will know what to do with you as well, but you really deserve a good ole' fashioned duck taping, tar, and feathering.



January 10th, 2004, 09:03 AM

Will see what the rest of the UK thinks...........

That aint the thing to do............ and in someone elses country!!

Is this newspaper "freedom" and incorrect? or did you truely use a crowbar???? - I think you should explain Dave. Put your hands up if this is correct or explain if not.

Not a good look for BASE jumpers and/or the UK........

January 10th, 2004, 10:43 AM
you can't always believe the press!!!!
I also was charged with destroying a door and alarm system. When in fact the door was wide open. They say we damage things so they don't look like they are neglegent in any way. They pinned it all on us and at the trial the judge made me pay for the door and its increased security for the future because he belived that the bulidings security guards would never leave the roof unlocked so they can go out there and smoke. when in fact that is how they saw us. on there way to a smoke break.

}( }( }( }( }( }( }( }( }( }( }( }( }( }( }( }( }( }(

have a go way low day

January 10th, 2004, 01:24 PM
I too have been accused of "destruction of real property" by a building owner. It was basically to cover their own ass,as gowaylow said because they knew the door was not up to code. Of corse we didn't do the destruction they claimed and luckily we had video to prove otherwise. When we got to court our lawyer explained the whole situation to the accusers and all charges were dropped on the spot:D
There is absolutly no reason to destroy anything while attempting to jump a site, and I hope for your sake (Dave) that you didn't stoop to such a nefarious low. "Real" BASE jumpers find an alternate way or just scrap it for a later date when all the pieces fall into place. It takes absolutly no skill to bust open a door like a scumbag criminal, just like it doesn't take much skill to jump off a building with a rig but sooner or later having NO skill will catch up with you and put you in trouble with the man or worse... dead or injured. Someone who has used such irresponsible ways to access a site has obviously not thought too indepth about the jump itself to pull it off safely. Use your head, man!
As I said before I hope this is just another case of "oops I jumped at the wrong time" and not anything more.

BASE 570

PS-anyone see the door before this incident? Johnnie9lives? Tree?

January 10th, 2004, 07:17 PM
Hey Joe,

The way I heard it from Selwyn, who was told by Dave, and correct me if I'm wrong, they removed the lock from the door. When they opened the door security came, caught them, and were told by the jumpers taht they were going to jump off the building. They were told that they would be met by the cops, and were busted on landing. THe original charges were breaking and entering, and if I'm recalling the conversation from yeaterday correctly, destruction of property. I would love to hear Dave's version, and I would love Selwyn to post exactly what Dave told him. We do know that Dave was told not to jump and that a bust was assured. The results speak for themselves in this case.


January 10th, 2004, 07:28 PM
For all the information you seem to have been given... it's sh*#!I got through the door by picking the lock. I thought you all would have learned by now to not listen to what the press has to say!!! My friend and I jumped the taj the other night yes knowing that two of are friends had been caught jumping it a couple of months earlier! When I scouted the site it seemed pretty clear to jump. Unfotunately when we were gearing up a security guard walked up the stairs and saw us.He radioed down to the ground for back up, so at that point it was either jump and get busted or just get bust so which would you all choose? uuum now let me think!!!!!!!!!!
We were ment to go to court the other day but instead we met with the head of security for all the trump buildings. If we had gone to court we would have been bent over and taken it in the ass! He was given authority to use up to $30,000 to make an example of us in court, but instead we settled out of court. We had to pay for the door to be replaced with a better one to stop anyone getting on the roof and to put a post on the base board to warn all other jumpers of the consequences of jumping the trump buildings!!
Next time you want the full story ask the person involved instead of jumping to conclusions!!

PS TREE:If you are going to run your mouth get your facts straight. if you have a problem with me here is my number 845 863 5757 give me a call you ugly piece of sh@# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dave }(

January 10th, 2004, 08:11 PM
I can corroborate Gowaylow's story. I was on the load previous to his (by a month or two I think) and the door was open (unlocked not ajar but what's the difference?). This had been the case every load since the site was opened.

They will make you pay for it from every angle. Beware.

It's not mainstream and it still scares people. Be careful.


January 10th, 2004, 11:57 PM
>an example of us in court, but instead we settled out of
>court. We had to pay for the door to be replaced with a better
>one to stop anyone getting on the roof and to put a post on
>the base board to warn all other jumpers of the consequences
>of jumping the trump buildings!!

that sounds like a load of baloney.
an internet post as part of a settlement.
you are a young ignorant punk.
you'll see if you live to be old and wise.
tree, little?
dave, are you blind?
yours are little words in a big world.
don't be surprised if it's hard to find friends.

January 11th, 2004, 08:35 AM
Believe what you want, it is what happened, i don't need to explain anything to you neither am i concerned if you like me or not! the door to the roof on the taj mahl was junk it was old and beaten up!! the reason they wanted us to post is so no one else jumps, because it could mean the head of security loosing his job, also they wanted to stop suicides getting on the roof and the only way to do it was to replace the door with a better one, it cost me and my friend $3000 take it how you want!! And yes i know how big tree is and he is still a little bitch later!!!!


January 11th, 2004, 09:17 AM

Your stealth skills are much like your personal hygiene; very poor, and that makes you a dirty little stinker. Anyone who has met you can surely attest to this. You fu(ked up royaly, even after being given proper info that a bust was guaranteed. You are a smart mouthed know it all high pulling little ####, and now eveyone worldwide knows about it. Did your momey wire you a few pounds to pay the fine?

Perhaps one day you will grow up and learn to respect yourself, other jumpers, and the fact that how you behave DOES affect the thousand other jumpers around you. Yes, busts do happen even to the best jumpers but this was not a random bust. Your's was a blatant act of stupidity. You deserved what you got, and when they deport you, well then you are your mom's problem again. Who's the bitch? }(

January 11th, 2004, 10:03 AM
Tree the bitch is the little girl running his mouth, i have more respect for this sport than most, and all the people in it, it was'nt a sure bust far from,i did not use a crowbar i picked the lock if you got to have a look at the photos of the door after the event you would surly see the barrel of the lock is turned and there is no forced entry, if you were there you would have seen it for your self!!! but you have never had the balls to go there!!! And how would you ever know how i jump since the last time i saw you you climbed down because of a 2 mph wind on a 1000ft tower with a field to land in!!! you seem to be very mouthy on the board why haven't you called to arrange a time to talk face to face big man!!!!!


January 11th, 2004, 10:08 AM
>I too have been accused of "destruction of real property"

Um...yeah, and personal property!

>There is absolutly no reason to destroy anything while
>attempting to jump a site,

You hipocrite bastard!! The bumper on my truck is still fu(ked up! And we were just "looking" for B's. :P

Still trying to make it down your way for one of those sweet A's. Give me a call sometime. Things have changed here locally and your next visit should be a fun one!!

January 11th, 2004, 10:42 AM

I just want to be clear that you are calling Selwyn a liar. Did you not tell him that you removed the lock? Did he not tell you that it was a sure bust? Were you not caught by security before you even jumped? The whole incident reeks of poor judgement and a complete disregard for other jumpers. Exactly what I would expect from a little stinky punk. The same goes for your spineless empthy threats. I didn't like your mouthy smelly self from the moment I had the displeasure of meeting you. I wish you hadn't been caught. I would have hoped that when you were warned not to attempt this bldg by the locals that are in the know that you would have listened. You are responsible for this incident and I am more than happy to call you out for your selfish petty attitude that got you into this situation. Grow up and maybe when you start thinking of others, bad things like this will quit happening to you.

By the way, this sport takes a lot more than "Balls'. BASE requires critical thinking and sound judgement, two elements that were missing on your most recent adventure. I have never wanted to get busted making a jump in AC. I made an informed decision not to jump, and unlike you, I'm not $1,500.00 in the hole to Mr. Trump. Sucks to be you.

January 11th, 2004, 10:44 AM
I would just like to say thanks to every one for all the bitching and bullsh@t it's great, its like being back at school this shows every one what this sport is about !!!!


January 11th, 2004, 05:08 PM
Well tree, it's been fun.
I have nothing to prove to you.
I know the facts and can rest assured that I did absoultely nothing inapropriate. Whether I pull high or low, if my hygene is poor or you feel that I am a stinky punk, I don't care. I have nothing to prove to you.
I base jump for myself, and my own reasons not to impress you or anyone else. stay safe all.



January 11th, 2004, 07:44 PM
It has been fun Dave, in fact, this is the best I've seen the board in quite a while. Thanks for the entertainment. Selwyn just called and reminded me of some wise words you recently posted on this very subject, so I think my I will make your own words my final words. Remember this from you Brent & Akson post?

The site that was burned has slowly got worse over the last two years because of people like you, JT, who don't give a #### about when you jump and ruin sites for other people!! Nobody is a pussy or moaning. It's just common sense not to go back to an object when people have been seen jumping! Know one knows if it was reported, but what if it was? What if someone went the next night not knowing and got arrested, because of two jumpers who don't have a brain cell or an ounce of common courtesy between them or other basers? After that message i hope this happens to one of your objects and you get arrested!!!!!!

How quickly karma comes back around.

January 12th, 2004, 07:39 PM
Good evening fellow BASE enthusiast.I am the other Taj vilian.
I have just been informed of your internet ramblings and speculations on what happened.First I would like to say the base forums should not be used to bash people.Ones merrit should be determined on the playing fields.Their's always three sides to every story and all humans have made poor judjment calls.What I have found in my short time in the sport and how I relat base to my life is,everyone must decide whats right for your life. No one can make that choice for you.So if you want to believe we really crowbared the door so be it.
Next time you get nicked and you all will one day.And you up against one of the ritchest people in the world.See what you take.A $1500 fine or a $25000 fine.And to anybody who dosent believe us you can BASE Deez NutZ. See you on the playground.

BASE 484
January 14th, 2004, 07:47 AM
Mr.CR (Adam I assume?)

Who are you to judge Dave? Have you ever met him? He is a very good friend of mine, not to mention a very good BASE jumper & I trust him with my life. Posting here was not part of a plea bargin, just a request from the head of security. He may be a young punk but he is far from ignorant. Ignorant is making assumptions with no basis in fact.

My respect for you and your company have been tarnished.

Budd Conner

imported_Tom Aiello
January 14th, 2004, 11:38 AM
>Mr.CR (Adam I assume?)...My respect for you and your company have been tarnished.

I think you may be leaping to conclusions. Nowhere does "mojo" identify himself as Adam, or in any other way as affiliated with CR. Anyone could have created the "mojo" login.

Perhaps Adam will clarify if "mojo" is (or is not) affiliated with Consolidated Rigging?

edit: Does anyone else besides me remember an old poster who logged in as "The Fox"? People thought he was Annie, until he stepped up and said that he had chosen the nickname for the cunning qualities BASE jumpers exhibit in out-foxing the authorities, rather than for his gear (in fact, he was jumping a Mojo). Interestingly, "The Fox" stopped posting after a very well known and experienced BASE jumper, who was unaffiliated with any gear manufacturer, died in an plane crash.

--Tom Aiello

January 14th, 2004, 01:51 PM
>Ignorant is making
>assumptions with no basis in fact.

now is that not the kettle calling the black pot!
mr budd connor, dude, are you serious?
i jump a mojo canopy, and the "handle" was up for grabs.
that avatar just happens to be available, and i jump the gear.
adam posts here using AdamF_CR.
if you judge adam by his customers, he is hosed.

January 14th, 2004, 04:20 PM
Now it's getting real messy. Can we trust no one here but Tom?

As a point of principle, since I can make no sense of this web of deceit, I refuse to jump my canopy (due to Mojo) and also refuse to drink Anheuser Busch products (due to Budd).

Harsh but fair, I think.

Love n hugs,


AdamF__ CR
January 14th, 2004, 05:45 PM
Budd, Don't asumme...you know what they say about that.

I have not been following this thread but it was bought to my attention that the person using Mojo(or CR)as his handle was being viewed as an agent of Consolidated Rigging.
I don't know who it is but, I'll make the statement right now that his views and comments on this forum or any other, are his own and should not be construed as either mine or those of Consolidated Rigging.

Adam__F. has been my handle since I registered and I don't bother with aliases. I state my opinion if I see fit but I don't pretend to be someone else.

Budd, don't you think you were rather quick to write me off without even checking the source?

Adam Filippino
Consolidated Rigging, Inc.

January 16th, 2004, 07:41 PM
yer jest eatn' this sh1t up, aren't cha.............
.............D O R K Y !

BASE 484
January 18th, 2004, 08:13 AM
Adam, I am sorry that I assumed that that was you that pasted that. I did think it was out of character for you. I don't read this or any other forum often enough to know every ones screen names.

What bothers me most is the people who hide behind screen names & flame others with out even giving them the benifit of doupt.

I too have now stooped to the same low.

I am ashamed.

Will you ever forgive me?

(at least I have enough balls to post my own name:P )

