View Full Version : 210' cliff in Moab, Would you do a gainer?Also Tombstone back/1/2twist/front!!!!!

January 2nd, 2004, 09:00 PM
JUst saw a video yesterday, off of Aguanidon/Welchman's Walk.
A guy from Australia(imagine that)did a gainer off of this jump.
If you don't know the jump it's 210'+-! Most jumpers think that doing a free fall is hard core! He did a gainer and had a 3-4 sec canopy ride. WITH VIDEO!!!!!!! I was Spence do a FF/MCkonky/Tard from this exit point but this tops it all!
Anybody know of anyone else doing a gainer from this jump or alt?
Wicked Video from the bottom!

January 3rd, 2004, 04:12 AM
>Anybody know of anyone else doing a gainer from this jump or

Obviously there was the late great DW with his "Double" from 186' (or there abouts)

Jezuz I get scared enough freefalling 200 never mind doing that flippy doo stuff!!! Nice work!


January 3rd, 2004, 10:36 AM
no i wouldnt even be stowed from that alti.. hell im not even stowed at 400ft:P

Besides that i would jump it handheld(let me see the lz first ok.. he he)

January 3rd, 2004, 11:08 PM
I am familiar with this jump and that is impressive. Well done to the jumper. How is the weather in Moab now?

Stay safe out there! ---Dex

January 4th, 2004, 11:05 AM
I just spoke to the "Welchman" and he said he lasered it at ~240' to impact before they jumped it. Just wondering if it's 210 or 240 or something in between so I know whether to go for the double or the triple ;-) .
It's still very impressive being 210' or 240'. No margin for error that's for sure!! Is the jumper in question trained in aerials? He either has to be "very" experienced or "very" stupid, and sometimes it's a fine line between the two.

Jason M.
BASE 570

January 4th, 2004, 12:07 PM
Just curious - as it seems a good few US jumpers seem to be doing gainers et al - where do most people practice to do these? Do you all do the "suggested" right thing and go off and try high board diving etc - or (which I think is more true) do you try these out on jumps?!?

I am not at all interested in the "flipidy do da" side of BASE - and although I realise it is a very cool and skillful side to the sport - its just not something I am wanting to do. I am just interested in the progression that most people undertake in starting gainers etc............

Thanks for your truthful answers!...........



January 4th, 2004, 01:42 PM
The only aerial I ever did was an unintentional front flip on my 1st BASE jump ever. The result of being VERY head down! I was stowed and jumping from 400' on an A. Because they scare the #### out of me, I consider aerials to be an abomination of allmighty God. So my longwinded answer is no on the gainers Clit, I MEAN CLINT! See ya in Moab soon dood. Hank.................

January 4th, 2004, 08:27 PM
>>I just spoke to the "Welchman" and he said he lasered it at ~240 to impact......

I'd definately like to see the video of a gainer off that thing, or watch it in person. That's impressive.

I'm pretty sure it's about 210 and no more. I jumped it 2 times and it seemed like it was missing the extra 30 feet. 240 feet to the landing area looks accurate but it appears to be about 210 rock drop to the talus. Silly me, left my laser range finder in the rental car so I can't be sure.

Clint, when you get a chance, can you measure it and get an accurate height to the talus? I'd sure like to know.

January 4th, 2004, 09:28 PM
I know spence lasered it and he said it's either 210 or 220. I can't recall which exactly. 240 seems a bit high to me.

Stay safe out there! ---Dex

January 6th, 2004, 12:51 PM
I concur with 210'. I lasered an average of 210' from a couple of points along the edge.

BASE 739
Donk anD BoneZ

January 7th, 2004, 11:40 AM
It was Spence that used the lazer and that is where I got that # from.
It's 260' to the landing area.

Is he experienced or stupid. Well I'd say experienced. He went to Tombstone and walked to the edge, looked over and backed up to the edge. He did a back flip, 1/2 twist and ..................
a front loop! I wasn't there but someonelse was. Right on heading, and landed right below the exit. Short canopy ride!

Not bad!!

The weather in Moab, well today is Snowing Again! Every week it snow's at least once. Bad winter this yr. Wasn't a good winter to start a DZ in MOab. THe worse weather is behind us now. IT's up to 47F this weekend!

ANy tandem or video people going to be in MOab this weekend? Fri-Sun?
9th-11th? Just curious I may have a couple tandems coming out and my other tdm master is away on vacation?


January 7th, 2004, 11:51 AM
oops posted twice.

January 8th, 2004, 02:39 AM
I zapped it at 240 to rock drop impact in the creekbed directly as a stone falls to the ground without being tossed out...thenwe ran offit and had short canopy rides and returned to zap it again

if you runn off it you run towards/ intoa an uphill grade and impact is bushes, i got a small reading zapping outwards to where i landed than to where a dropped rock fell, i got 210 to running off impact and 230 to where i landed with my ventless raven

the ground is higher on th far side of the creek which you defientely clear witha a running exit

January 8th, 2004, 03:05 AM
Unless we're talking about two different exit points, it would be impossible to hit the creek with a rock drop. The creek is on the opposite side of the canyon. You'd have to get a running start just to throw a rock to the creek. If you walk along the edge of the cliff and shoot down, you will be looking at talus no matter where you exit.

Impact is definitely not bushes. You could easily land in some bushes... Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Stay safe out there! ---Dex

January 8th, 2004, 07:54 PM
I concur with dexterbase, we're definately talking about 2 different exit points.

January 14th, 2004, 09:02 PM
hey don't hog those "ill visions" all to yourself, post that video buddy! thanks

January 14th, 2004, 11:41 PM
I need to firewire that jump from the video guy. I don't have it.
He might be here this weekend. I'll try to post then. Skydivingmovies.com??

January 14th, 2004, 11:43 PM
oops posted twice again. My computer is too slow. My bad again.