View Full Version : Turkey boogie summary

Jimmy P
December 13th, 2003, 12:01 PM
Finally a moment to thank everyone for making the 4th annual Turkey Boogie in Moab a great time. A special thanks to Hank Caylor for being there every time we needed him. A huge thanks to Spence for having a cool head and medical training during the extraction of Jim. Thanks to Harry Potter for performing magic tricks. Thanks to everyone who helped make this thing go, there are too many to name, but hopefully we thanked you in person.

Attendance: About 100 jumpers and 40 non-jumpers.
Jumps Made: We made about 1,000 BASE jumps during the week in the Moab area and flew about 7 loads into Mineral Bottom.
Transport: Everyone drove all over this place with big help from 2 Unimogs (military transport) at Mineral Bottom on Friday.
Weather: Virtually no wind the entire time, mostly sunny but freaking cold in the morning until we started hiking.
New sites: Not exactly sure, but probably 10 new sites opened with about 50 sites jumped in all. (This is a huge guess on my part).
Girls who could climb into a normal sized freezer compartment of a refrigerator: 1
Number of people needing a rescue in the dark on Thanksgiving night halfway through the party: 1
Number of people sober enough to actually go out and do it: 3
Number of apple pies actually made sweet love to: 1 (Don't ask)
Food: We cooked four 20 pound turkeys(big thanks to Nick Carapella and Karen from Basic Research for bringing 2 turkeys and a portable oil cooker all the way from California!) Everyone brought something to the dinner at the house/shop on Thursday night so there seemed to be plenty to eat and drink. Burgers and dogs at Mineral bottom for lunch.
Memorial Jumps: 1 for Bill Frogge (His parents Bill and Kaye came out to Mineral Bottom and we had a really nice circle of friends and some ash jumps.
Injuries: One
Money donated: $500 to BLM as a voluntary donation as a big thanks for allowing us to play on our land.
$0 to the National Parks for not allowing us to play on our land.
$800 from the Bill Frogge fund to purchase a back board and a super deluxe medical kit.
$300 from the Bill Frogge fund to Grand County Search and Rescue as a voluntary donation so that we're friends when we need em!
$40 each to Chris Johnson, Mario Richard and John Woodie for the unofficial and haphazard Turkey stomp comp.
So, overall, it seemed like everyone had a great time, some did their first cliffs, a huge congratulations to them!
Thanks to everyone who came from all over the country, the UK, Australia, and Canada!
Jimmy and Marta

December 13th, 2003, 03:25 PM
And a HUGE thank you to you, Jimmy and Marta:7 :7 :7 :7
What a blast
BASE 570

Jug-or-Not pictures...

December 13th, 2003, 09:50 PM
Some pics from our group are online:


Amanda's freezer stunt is in there somewhere.
Many thanks to Jimmy, Marta, and Hank!!!!!

Jason Bell (BASE428)
Email: jbell@vertical-visions.com
Web: www.vertical-visions.com or www.bridgeday.info

December 13th, 2003, 11:25 PM
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December 13th, 2003, 11:31 PM
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December 14th, 2003, 10:26 PM
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December 14th, 2003, 10:32 PM
Hi Clint,
It was great meeting you and your lovely wife Shelly. Best of luck on the hottest new DZ in the country:)
Here is a nice pic for you and the missus.
BASE 570
Naked BASE 15

December 15th, 2003, 01:18 PM
Thank YOU Jimmy and Marta!

The Turkey Boogie was awesome! Thanks for all your hard work organizing everything from Thanksgiving dinner to Unimogs! A wonderful time was had by all! I must clarify that the turkeys brought from California were all Nick Carapella! I was just his passenger seat-cover for the trip, but was glad to be the offical potato masher for the Thanksgiving dinner. Nick also donated the gallon of Captain Morgan's that made everyone so warm and cheery on Thanksgiving day. THANKS AGAIN, NICK!

By the way, I would like to hear from Hank. If anyone can contact him, please ask him to either call me at BR or write me at karen@basicresearch.com.

I personally had a wonderful time, and overcame some major issues while in Moab. My injury from last year planted some major hurdles in my mind that I fought through at Mineral Bottom on Friday. I appreciate Jimmy and Marta's understanding and support, and especially thank Lloyd for his unending patience and encouragement. In other words, I was friggin' scared to death making my first BASE jump over Terra firma since turning my right tib/fib to jelly last year. It was harder than my first BASE jump! I'm so glad I jumped the hurdle and got off the edge. The jump was beautiful and I felt like a million buck in the Unimog!

Can't wait for next year! I've got a recipe for cranberrry chutney that should be a big hit, and I can make nice dressing as well. It was so much fun cooking with the Pouchert's in their awesome home. I hope to see all of you there again, and encourage anyone who hasn't been there to come on out! You have no idea what you're missing.

Peace, love, and warm Apple Pie, (DONK!)

imported_Tom Aiello
December 16th, 2003, 08:05 PM
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December 18th, 2003, 10:18 PM
Great picture!! she'll love that! Nice to meet you also, come back any time.

>Best of luck on the hottest new DZ in the country!

Thanks, Let's hope your right!

December 18th, 2003, 10:18 PM
Great picture!! she'll love that! Nice to meet you also, come back any time.

>Best of luck on the hottest new DZ in the country

Thanks, Let hope your right!