View Full Version : Nextel 2way radio/cell phones

December 13th, 2003, 01:01 AM
Obviously the standard means of communication between jumpers and ground crew is some type of walkie-talkie, or cell phone. But do any of you use 2way cell phones such as "Nextel". I do.
I think they are more reliable for one, (maybe more secure?) And it cuts down on some of the necessary crap you have to carry to the exit. You have both a cell phone, and a 2way radio in one little device.

These 2ways, probably most all, are coast to coast. By that I mean a jumper on the west coast could talk to a jumper on the east coast over the 2way. That is, as long as you have exchanged I.D codes with each other.

I could see a voluntary I.D. code list being generated amongst BASE jumpers to be used as a fast, simple means of communication. Would probably be more practical within each individual crews though.

Thoughts? Ideas? Does anyone know how secure the devices are? Jumpers who already have them, would you be willing to share your I.D. code with others? Hell, we share everything else.

Or, am I behind the times and this has already been discussed and flamed?
