View Full Version : Brent & Akos burn site!
November 29th, 2003, 05:54 PM
I know posting proper names in this forum is bad MoJo but so is jumping an A at 10:30 AM . And on top of that you guys managed to be seen and have pics taken of your jumps by local residents. It doesn't stop there folks, then these 2 went back to Skydive SoBe and showed off their video for all the DZ to see.
I used to jump this object frequently and still like to on trips back (a few times a year). I'm sure I can speak for all the current local jumpers and say that them and I "really, really appreciate your blatant torching of this site". To top it off, you did it on a holiday Friday when you could be sure of plenty of witnesses.
So thanks a million for your contribution to our past hard work. People come from all over the world to jump this object and I'm sure they'd like to thank you guys also.
I think you guys reached the goal you had in mind. See how quickly you've become (in)famous, I live in Puerto Rico now and heard of your exploits within hours.
Remember, all it takes is one fuckup to ruin a 100 "atta boys".
Wow, what's this I'm seeing, some kind of vision of tar and what's that? Oh, it's feathers, that's it!
Cheers to all my BASE bros and sis' that do it the correct way,
Peace out,
December 6th, 2003, 09:34 AM
Hey everyone maybe it's time to reread the section under "Knowledge" called "Base Ethics"
December 6th, 2003, 09:50 AM
Yea We had a guy burn our site and now they have video cameras watching On two of them because of a bust at one gotta love it you know
December 6th, 2003, 11:21 AM
frm what I can tell you are a tattle tail little bitch!.... what's a matter? did someone MAYBE see these guys parachuting during the day? are you to scared to go back there due to increased awareness?
how is it that you have concluded that this spot is burned? are there increased securrity measures now?? if not then yer complaints aren't well founded
just cuz residents may have seen parashoots doesnt mean they told authorities... the more fuss you make, the more attention will be drawn
and what is with the Tar and Feather threats... you are obviously too pussy for assault and battery because you are pissing and moaning about not being able to tresspass any more...
why don't you practice what you preach and follow some good BASE ethics and keep yer mouth shut
this is none of my business but I am bored this saturday morning and this is all true
December 6th, 2003, 11:49 AM
Brave post:-(
I were in here earlyer today(even just look at the date/times were there has been posted here) were a post by Joman,tells you that the attention as been to the spots and video is now standard there...
I do belive THAT is burning an objectx(
December 6th, 2003, 05:17 PM
The site that was burned has slowly got worse over the last two years because of people like you, JT, who don't give a #### about when you jump and ruin sites for other people!! Nobody is a pussy or moaning. It's just common sense not to go back to an object when people have been seen jumping! Know one knows if it was reported, but what if it was? What if someone went the next night not knowing and got arrested, because of two jumpers who don't have a brain cell or an ounce of common courtesy between them or other basers? After that message i hope this happens to one of your objects and you get arrested!!!!!!
More like a trip to the hospital for Brent and Akos if the guys get there hands on them just what i heard!!!!Enjoy
December 6th, 2003, 09:28 PM
Hell yeah!!! What makes the grass grow?? Blood, Blood!!!! This is great reading. Thanks guys.
December 10th, 2003, 08:14 AM
this is the only reponse that will come from me! get all the facts before you pass judgement on an illeagal activity at a fenced site.
the jump occured at 6:45AM not 10:30am. there was only 1 hunter there , and quite frankly he thought it was the coolest thing! he may have talked to his neighbor who may or maynot like jumping. i can't say! the only pictures that were taken were by us at the site. the cops never showed and anyone that may have been around was certainly asleep, being 6:45Am after thanksgiving day.
it was never my intention to flame YOUR site you pompus freak. i also can see that you are not a person of courage or else you would have posted YOUR name! GUTLESS comes to mind when i think about the author of this post.
maybe you should try and ask the people who made the jump before you torch them! go jump with yourself!
December 18th, 2003, 05:55 PM
And this is the only response which will come from me.
Two facts are indisputable here:
1. You didn't contact & coordinate with the locals for the site.
2. You were caught making a daylight jump.
The first makes the second totally inexcusable.
With a couple of posts and a couple of phone calls I was able to make contact with the local for this site (as well as all of South Florida). It really isn't all that difficult. It just requires a little bit of initiative and respect for your fellow jumpers.
Looks like it's time to resurrect Earl Redfern's thoughts on this subject yet again...
To my fellow BASE Jumpers - I would like to remind you all once again of a long standing tradition which is the single most important method of keeping us out of jail and preventing us from burning objects unnecessarily. This is the "CALL THE LOCAL" rule. This is how it is supposed to work. As long in advance as possible before going to a new city to jump any object, you should make absolutely sure that you contact the most prominent local jumper in the area. That jumper is then honor-bound to help you by either personally taking you or having someone else take you to as many local sites as possible, training you in the accepted method for access on the particular object and partying with you afterwards. This is "THE WAY". There is no other way.
I will give you examples here of incidents where this rule has not been followed and several where it was followed. Remember, nothing's perfect. This is as good as it gets.
I have traveled a great deal and visited many cities in the US and abroad. I always called the local BASE jumper who was acknowledged as being the contact person. I had great experiences. I made life long friends. I jumped some buildings that no one would have imagined possible, even in their wildest dreams. And I partied with some of the greatest people in the World. When I lived in Atlanta, many people called and unless they had inadequate experience they were taken personally to every building and/or crane that was being jumped and given complete lessons on entry, security, landing, winds and traditions. We partied Georgia style and no jumper paid for a motel; they stayed with one of us. In 10 years, no person jumping with me in Atlanta got busted. None of the people that I trained got busted except for one stupid jump in the middle of a parade. The newspapers and TV stations never ran a BASE jumping story about anyone who was jumping with me or any of the people I helped initially who called for updates the next time they came to town. It was the golden days of BASE in the Atlanta area. Many buildings were free for the taking with the benefit of years of careful effort by the locals. This "rule" and the assistance that went with it extended to all the local towers and stacks within a hundred miles as well. Ask Dennis, Brenda, the brothers Rick and Randy,"the ice cream man", John from Oklahoma, several Australians, several Germans, Rob"Broke Leg" Lowry from Canada, Kurt, Brian"the video man" and many, many others about the scene and the hospitality.
Once we had a horizontal crane that by providing a case of Bud each night we arraigned for the operator to leave it extended over a huge(100 yd. Square) empty lot. It was at about 700ft. We were putting a dozen people off it every night that the weather was good. Many people did their first BASE jump from this crane. Many people were preparing to do their first BASE jump from it. The police were busy elsewhere and basically uninterested at the time. It was the coolest scene and the crane was there for five more months.
Then along came John Vincent with his giant ego. He didn't call anyone. He got someone to take him up in the middle of the day so he could do his usual self-aggrandizing video jump. Two people, including the crane operator were fired from their jobs. Vincent got away and sent videos of himself jumping the World Trade Center(hop&pop) and others to the Atlanta news media for TV broadcast. Then he made some smart-ass comment like, what are they going to do, arrest me for stealing altitude? The cops were mad and told to bust us next time. Beers Construction put locks on all their cranes. The first BASE jump students were screwed. The locals were so pissed that they rented a van and drove all the way to New Orleans to"really f**k him up". John Vincent is extremely lucky that I was on the load and came up with the idea to TAR and FEATHER him. Otherwise, he would be without tongue and balls, the original plan.
We had been jumping a South Georgia tower for ten years without incident. We had a key to the elevator and the special sequence to run it. Many people came after calling and were taken to the tower. Some that I really trusted, like Bob Neeley, were given keys so they only needed to call to get the "hot or not" report and they were on their own with our blessing. We sometimes did ten jumps in one night from that tower.
Two very well known BASE jumpers from Florida drove their van inside the tower compound and got busted trying to get the elevator to work. If they had called, we would have boogied all night long.
I could go on and on with these examples and I am sure that many of you could as well. Many sites have been ruined for this reason. When will we ever learn ?
December 18th, 2003, 06:43 PM
nice slide play! the hunters friend is the owner of the towers'; best friend, you talk trash like your in the right. Your not, and I am your neighbor I see you when I see you sport>:7
December 22nd, 2003, 06:23 PM
Dude The site has not been torched, face facts police are not going to sit outside a tower watching 24/ 7 for someone to jump.
If you want to sneak around in the middle of the night then thats great and more power to you. But in the same token if people want to jump in the middle of the morning or at rush hour in the evening then let them be, it is their ass that will get busted not yours. The antenna 'll be there in the morning and next week and next year when ever you plan your little trip down there.
I think that people should make a concerted effort to jump as many times as possible, if more people jumped publicly with a degree of skill then maybe we would get more leagal sites, I know I aint gonna stop jumpin things blatently, even if i have to open and close a new site every day.:-)
December 22nd, 2003, 06:51 PM
The whole idea of burning sites_____ I think yes you should speak to the locals in the area before you go jump "their objects" , but in the same token , If you wanna jump in the day time then open some new sights and torch the #### out them cos if no one has jumped them yet then they are "your" sites and you can do what #### you want with them.
If you want some public displays of blatent indecency then come to cross keys and hook up with the 3 ring cirkus and we can go jump any of ""my"" sites any time of day, if you dont mind the criminal charges then i'll play.
So in conclusion if you are an unruly mofo then come to jersey and tear our sites apart (it just encourages us to find more), like sickwill said the site will be their tomorrow, if they put up cameras then wear a hat and paint on a moustache I mean #### man unless they are camping outside the place its jumpable!!!!
p.s. british Dave dont talk #### we jump in the day all the time you scally!
imported_Tom Aiello
December 22nd, 2003, 08:32 PM
>If you want to sneak around in the middle of the night then
>thats great and more power to you. But in the same token if
>people want to jump in the middle of the morning or at rush
>hour in the evening then let them be, it is their ass that
>will get busted not yours. The antenna 'll be there in the
>morning and next week and next year when ever you plan your
>little trip down there.
>I think that people should make a concerted effort to jump as
>many times as possible, if more people jumped publicly with a
>degree of skill then maybe we would get more leagal sites, I
>know I aint gonna stop jumpin things blatently, even if i have
>to open and close a new site every day.:-)
I've got no idea how to respond to that. Except to say, drop me a line if you're ever in my area, and I'll give BASE 311 a call. Maybe we can all get together for a little party.
--Tom Aiello
imported_Tom Aiello
December 22nd, 2003, 08:36 PM
>...I mean #### man unless they are camping outside the place its jumpable!!!!
What happens to the jumpers that show up to make an evening load after you've brought the police out with your jump?
This has happened many, many times at a popular site I know of.
No, you won't get busted for your antics, and you'll laugh and party all the way back to the DZ.
And then some other group of jumpers (some of us still view this as something of a brotherhood) will get hosed because of your irresponsible attitudes.
Anybody got an old pillow?
--Tom Aiello
December 23rd, 2003, 12:07 AM
I bet 311 and boys would teach them some manners "Southern-style". :P
December 23rd, 2003, 08:29 AM
I have met both of you, Selwyn and Sickwill and like both of you as people, so please take this as constructive criticism from someone who doesn't want to see you beaten and bloody.
>Dude The site has not been torched, face facts police are not
>going to sit outside a tower watching 24/ 7 for someone to
Maybe not 24/7, but they will sit and watch for jumpers. They're not as dumb as you think
>If you want to sneak around in the middle of the night then
>thats great and more power to you. But in the same token if
>people want to jump in the middle of the morning or at rush
>hour in the evening then let them be, it is their ass that
>will get busted not yours. The antenna 'll be there in the
>morning and next week and next year when ever you plan your
>little trip down there.
This is a totally reckless attitude. Broadcasters and other companies that own these towers are a close-knit industry related community and DO talk to eachother. To be honest, they probably don't really give a flying fu(k if we want to jump of of their towers , but they most certainly care about liabiltiy and can and will make changes to their sites in order to keep the risk reasonable. If you think that they can't make the tower unjumbable, then you are foolish. Furthermore, some base jumpers go throw great lengths (email me and I'll give you a couple personal examples) to make some sites comfortably jumpable for their friends while sticking with the old school traditions. People tend to get violently angry when there efforts have been carelessly wiped out by people who don't give a fu(k.
>I think that people should make a concerted effort to jump as
>many times as possible,
I agree!
>if more people jumped publicly with a
>degree of skill then maybe we would get more leagal sites,
In my opinion, this will never in our lifetime make sites legal
>know I aint gonna stop jumpin things blatently, even if i have
>to open and close a new site every day.:-)
This could be quite hazardous to you health.---Not a personal attack or threat, just the plain truth.
In closing, I don't really see a need for public displays of BASE off of towers. Many people make many jumps every year without doing it in daylight. Please reconsider your attitude.
hipocracy disclaimer: My first three BASE jumpers ever were off of towers. They were also during "civil twilight"--just befor sunrise but not complete darkness. The object was one that i found and was not currently being jumped. It was basically my object. I was told by more experienced jumpers later that this is not the way and if I wanted to keep jumping that tower, I should do it at night. I immediately made the change and have since only jumped towers at night. (except for the one at the detention center that we colletively agreed would never be jumped ever again.)
December 23rd, 2003, 05:43 PM
Guys who don't know me , you must forgive me for having a loud mouth, for when you meet me you will realise i voice opinion straight up and call things as i see them.
I havent and won't burn any site that any of you do or even intend to jump.
I know that the majority of my jumps are sites that i have found and openend and properly maintained and still jump today. Like Brian said "when sure that site aint gonna get jumped again" i'm gonna flick it in the day if this is wrong then educate me with advice, not talk of feathering an sh$t.
Furthermore when ever i travel like for instance to Atlanta this year I show ettiquite and contact the locals and jump their objects their way (thanks Gardner for fat tower jump).
I did not realise so many people were so attatched to whatever antenna it was that brent and akos (who i aint even met) apparently burnt, and if its burnt then i'm sorry and i hope it sorts itself out in time.
My point that i think due to the pis@ed off replies from tom and others, was kind of misinterpreted.
What i am saying is, there are plenty of objects A's B's S's and whatever that no one has jumped yet.
Objects that i won't name but will talk to you about happily and jump with you, and it is these objects that are the most fun to jump in the day because you arent gonna get to do it twice ( unless your really lucky) so why not bang it in the middle of the day.
because certain jumps people are going to see you on (big cities that dont sleep, and high security areas). So if you are prepared to do that kind of work and jump that kind of site then fu#k guys it has to be your right to enjoy it in the sunshine, would you not agree?
imported_Tom Aiello
December 23rd, 2003, 07:28 PM
> I did not realise so many people were so attached to whatever antenna it was...
I think it's fair to say that particular site is in the top ten "most jumped" sites of all time in the U.S. I can see why many people would be concerned about it--can't you?
This isn't one of those cases of "we found something no one knew about and jumped it in daylight."
I apologize if I offended you, but other jumpers exiting too early on a popular object has set me up for police pursuit on more than one occasion. Having cops just arriving as you get to the exit (because they were called for the guys who jumped an hour before you got there) just plain sucks. Having cops stake out your site because it was jumped in daylight (yep, I've seen that one happen, too) sucks even worse.
>...if you are prepared to do that kind of work and jump that kind of site then fu#k guys it has to be your right to enjoy it in the sunshine, would you not agree?
I don't think I'd agree with that one 100%, either. But it's sure a lot nicer than what I thought you were saying in the first place. Maybe we ought to start another thread about that (separate) topic?
--Tom Aiello
December 24th, 2003, 03:27 PM
Everyone that has been following this thread I would like to say some words of first apology to SICK WILL, who has not posted on this thread, the obnoxious writing that came under his logged name was written by me, this happened as we share a computer and it remembers the last user, which i thought was me, but obviously wasn't.
Sick will and the Johnnie 9 had nothing to do with any of these abrasive remarks, and I take sole responsibility for everything, and should have known better than to affiliate my words with our 3 ring cirkus.
As you know it is xmas eve, and I have began my morning by trying to pull my thighs , knees and two left feet out of my bruised mouth (wills revenge). I realise that cell phones are the tool for drunk dialing and not the baseboard.
I just wanted to clear the situation up and state that all anomosity and anger frustration and retribution should be aimed directlly at me ( SELWYN) and nobody else.
Like I said I have a big mouth and occaisionally my brain does not do it justice, and as a result on numerous occaisions this results in my ass being kicked, like today.
I just want those that know me and represent me to here publicly that I f#ucked up royal this time and I realise and am genuinely sorry. As a knew member to the base community (if i'm still accepted) I lack a lot of knowledge but have all the enthusiasm which can be a little hazardous.
So in conclusion guys and girls, if I am still allowed to attend any kind of base function in our world (without sending myself to excile) I would be more than happy to come to bridge day 2004 wearing a bright orange T Shirt saying SELWYN on the front, and "YES that Cu#t"
on the rear so that i may apologise in person one by one to you all and receive my deserved punch in the mouth.
I want to continue to jump as hardcore as possible all over this country (following proper procedures) and every other country for years and turn heads for all the right reasons not the wrong ones .
So I hope you see fit to accept a apologies from a humbled foreign cu@t.
peace selwyn. :)
December 25th, 2003, 01:31 PM
I've been away from the computer for a while and was surprised to see that this thread has picked back up.
So Axis, gutless huh? I signed my post with my real name and with my profile it makes it pretty easy to figure out who I am. Your's just says male. I think you are the gutless one. Maybe I did get the time incorrect but those people wake up earlier than you think. I was there for a New Year's twilight jump. You would think most people on this day would sleep in after ringin' in the new year. When we reached the top of this object, 2 different neighbors were already awake. What's a matter? Too scared to call the locals? Like Zennie replied, with just a few posts he was hooked up. I hooked him up with the most active jumper in those parts and from what lil' I've read, it sounds like he's having a good vacation.
It's not very hard to install video security at a site so let's try to keep this one as accesible as possible, what do ya say? I've jumped a few sites with video sec. and it always sucks wondering as you go up if the cam is monitored 24/7 or just on record only.
I've also jumped in the daytime. Unlike you, I choose other more remote objects. Thanks Basedevil for the charts and basically jupming with me that winter. I owe you!
You can continue on with your ways Axis if you wish but I don't think you'll last very long in this sport. Karma always seems to catch up at the end.
And by the way, Happy Holidays Everyone!!!
January 4th, 2004, 02:30 PM
you climbed good for an old man !!!}( thought you were goimg to have a heart attack :P hope you had a good new year later!!!
January 15th, 2004, 01:16 AM
Can any locals e-mail me. I would like to know if this site has cooled off any...thanks
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