View Full Version : A new passion...

August 30th, 2003, 01:13 PM
Hello my friends,

as you know I recently got myself a suit and even more recently started baseflying it. Now I just got back from LB where I made baseflights no. 3 to 10. I'm so stoked about some of the flights that I just have to share this with you.
After I already made my first one from the Eiger, I went up there two more times and made flights no. 3 and 5 from the mushroom. On no. 5 I more than doubled the distance, flew 1:15 min and almost reached the train station Alpiglen (this was going in a turn, I think going straight I would have made it). Then I made some more flights from La Mousse and from The Nose; check out the video from flight no. 8 which I think was my best flight so far (22 sec. from La Mousse and almost to the second street).
Weather permitting I will go up on the Eiger again somewhen in September, before the winter starts. Then I also wanna go to Arco. If someone wants to join me for some flying just give me a shout.
Damn, I love that suit!

August 31st, 2003, 08:11 AM
Hey Obi,

Sounds like you having good fun over there.. We have also plans to go to the Eiger in september, together with a swiss friend.
Do you remember us? 3 Dutch guys, we've jumped together in LB, summer 2002..
We've been jumping alot since then and also started jumping the wingsuit, in may this year. Drop me a line if you like to make some jumps together!


August 31st, 2003, 12:53 PM

Team Bautasten and some other Swedes will be there in week 39. (20-27 September. We will try to jump the Eiger :) We will stay at the Valley Hostel.

Obi, the answer to your question at DZ.com. Yes because of the burble.

Have fun!
Team Bautasten