View Full Version : 19-way bridge jump
May 28th, 2003, 09:55 AM
Since nobody has posted it yet, there was a 19-way simultaneous jump organized by Mr. Utah over Memorial Day weekend that was flawless....
Just thought you all might wanna know.......
Jason Bell (BASE428)
Web: or
May 28th, 2003, 10:11 AM
Definitely a very well organized jump with a mix of everything from s/l from the rail over land to deep delays on rounds.
May 28th, 2003, 10:28 AM
So let the "who got the biggest..." flames begin. Is 19 a BASE record or does the 24 way in Norway hold? E.g. Does a record way require that all jumpers exit "simultaneously". I suppose we could use the baseball HR record "asterics" the kept Ruth's record alive for so many years.
Regardless, the jump was incredible and Johny Utah and Bruce Krammer did an outstanding job organizing it, everyone who participated did their jobs, and those who didn't held PCs, shot video, pulled people out of the water, and cheered us on to make it a most spectacular momonent.
I think K at BR has all the names of all the particpants if this was some type of record.
PS: I tried to upload a short video but it exceeds the limit.
May 28th, 2003, 10:54 AM
Congrats All on the 19 way
I think you have the record for the biggest load off a bridge but 24 beats 19 .
Q if you and your mate do a 2 way and you dont leave at the same time is it still a 2 way
A Yes .
Have a close look at your jump if you want to nit pick I bet all 19 didn't leave at the same time some would leave a split sec at different times does this still make it a 19 way YES ...
If you want to brake the record do 25 off the bridge with no S/L and you will have it ..
bsbd feral:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
May 28th, 2003, 12:23 PM
Actually, our jump was perfect. :P
I dont think "trains" constitute ways so there is probably a grey area in there somewhere.
Q: If me and my mate do a two and I leave 3 seconds after he does that constitute a 2-way?
A: No, but who cares as long as we had fun!
So, generically speaking, if all jumpers exited at the same and/or were in free-fall at the same time then then a "x-way" it is?
May 28th, 2003, 03:10 PM
This 19-way couldn't have gone any better. There was great communication between everyone involved. The people involved couldn't have been more prepared.
I can't wait to see what happens next year!! Let's see that 25-way!!
Be careful out there!
May 28th, 2003, 11:30 PM
A few things....
Thanks to Jhonny for organazing the jump and to all other participants for doing their slots. Thanks to people for filming it and especially to boats for picking us up.
If people are really interested for doing 25-way +, we have a few opportunitues for it. Moscow event will be in mid-june, who's are coming over? Also, Paul mentioned he might be interested to organize a big way jump down in Lousiana. People should be in touch with him...and of course there is Kjerag next summer. Just keep in touch about it!
Thanks for everyone to show up at the party on sunday night. I had to leave leave the next morning and i left someone's jacket from my car to the packing area. Hopefully, the owner collected it.
Party on!
May 29th, 2003, 01:40 PM
BASE 643 what's up
May 29th, 2003, 05:27 PM
Yes, this 19 way was a beautiful thing! I was lucky enough to be doing video from Don's boat and got a gorgeous piece of footage. Seeing all tha parachutes opening at different altitudes reminded me of fireworks in reverse, you know, the kind that make you oooh and ahhh uncontrollably.
Here's the list as I got it while in the Pavillion following the jump. This is NOT in the order that the jumpers were in on the bridge:
Darren Johnson "Sporto"
Paul Kohnke (Alabama)
Jake Neises (Rhode Island)
Jason Bell (W. Virginia)
Tony DiCola "Donk" (Kansas)
Iiro Seppanen (Finland) LOW MAN ON THE PULL!!!!
Robert Scheier (Kansas City)
Eddie Barton (Arizona)
Jeremiah Mulholland (California)
Shane Bolander (Indiana)
Johnny Winkelkotter "Johnny Utah" (Illinois)
Baxter Gillespie (Georgia)
Robert Jones (Florida)
Gray Fowler (Texas)
Bruce Kramer (Indiana)
Wes Pries (Arizona)
Eric Santee (Arizona)
Bell Beck (Oregon)
and some guy named
RAY!!! I don't have his last name or resident state.
I was very impressed with the organization and with the cooperation of the participants. Can you picture 19 BASE jumpers dirt diving repeatedly WITH THEIR RIGS ON???? Probably not, but I have it on video, so I can prove it really happened. Congratulations to all of the SPAN big way record holders! Has anyone notified Guiness Book of World Records?
I'm so glad I was there to see it. It was nice to see everyone and watch the big way; it was great to party and hang out and get to know you crazy bastards better, and it was WONDERFUL TO JUMP!!!!!!
Thanks to Don and Kay Mayes for the awesome Taco Feed on Sunday!
Have fun, be safe, and soft landings,
May 29th, 2003, 05:27 PM
Yes, this 19 way was a beautiful thing! I was lucky enough to be doing video from Don's boat and got a gorgeous piece of footage. Seeing all tha parachutes opening at different altitudes reminded me of fireworks in reverse, you know, the kind that make you oooh and ahhh uncontrollably.
Here's the list as I got it while in the Pavillion following the jump. This is NOT in the order that the jumpers were in on the bridge:
Darren Johnson "Sporto"
Paul Kohnke (Alabama)
Jake Neises (Rhode Island)
Jason Bell (W. Virginia)
Tony DiCola "Donk" (Kansas)
Iiro Seppanen (Finland) LOW MAN ON THE PULL!!!!
Robert Scheier (Kansas City)
Eddie Barton (Arizona)
Jeremiah Mulholland (California)
Shane Bolander (Indiana)
Johnny Winkelkotter "Johnny Utah" (Illinois)
Baxter Gillespie (Georgia)
Robert Jones (Florida)
Gray Fowler (Texas)
Bruce Kramer (Indiana)
Wes Pries (Arizona)
Eric Santee (Arizona)
Bell Beck (Oregon)
and some guy named
RAY!!! I don't have his last name or resident state.
I was very impressed with the organization and with the cooperation of the participants. Can you picture 19 BASE jumpers dirt diving repeatedly WITH THEIR RIGS ON???? Probably not, but I have it on video, so I can prove it really happened. Congratulations to all of the SPAN big way record holders! Has anyone notified Guiness Book of World Records?
I'm so glad I was there to see it. It was nice to see everyone and watch the big way; it was great to party and hang out and get to know you crazy bastards better, and it was WONDERFUL TO JUMP!!!!!!
Thanks to Don and Kay Mayes for the awesome Taco Feed on Sunday!
Have fun, be safe, and soft landings,
May 30th, 2003, 05:11 AM
I'd love to take credit from the lowest opening on that jump, but the credit goes to Paul. Unfortunately, my canopy opened very fast and i was under canopy for several seconds.
May 30th, 2003, 10:14 AM
Ray is a local to TwinFalls. I know that Idaho Clark has his last name and such.... I'll see if I can't track it down.
And by the way, it was executed very nicely. With people putting themselves into the river that had not planned on it before the exit, all for safety sake. Strong work.
-Seth (A.S.E.... I NEED A B!)
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