View Full Version : Darwin Award

January 23rd, 2001, 01:24 PM
Check out:


January 23rd, 2001, 01:30 PM
your shitting me.

who did this?

January 23rd, 2001, 03:01 PM
LAST EDITED ON Jan-23-01 AT 04:02 PM (PST)[p]That's quite humorous.

If there's a bunch of folks who ought to be telling us all how to live safe, sane, socially acceptable lives, it's got to be some guys who fly ground attack aircraft...

January 24th, 2001, 05:29 AM
"An estimated two dozen BASE jumpers have been killed nationwide in the last 20 years."

What's that? A good day of death for the auto industry, or how many people die of tobacco induced cancer per day? Maybe the number of people who kill themselves cause they have nothing to be "social misfits" about. This is to Jim Ritchie who nominated Jan for loving life and living it. "GO PHUCK YOURSELF"

January 24th, 2001, 07:49 AM
Here is the address of Jim Richie who nominated Jan Davis R.I.P.


Here is his address:

1220 Windham
Westland, MI 48186-5351
Skyhawk Association Newsletter Editor
Skyhawk Association Director.

January 24th, 2001, 08:26 AM
Someone should make a trip to MI and see that this fu$% never flys again. Rip his eye out and skull fu$% him until he's dead or at a minimum rip his head out through his colon. Mean while, we should all pray that he has a flame-out and has to eject or better yet burn in on a CAS run over Bosnian School house so we can nominate him. Maybe some of our FROG or Knight friends could see that some USMJ action is taken... I do not think this is conduct becoming and officer.

Name withheld to avoid prosecution once this fu%^ is dead!

January 24th, 2001, 08:35 AM
Better yet, here is his Phone Number (734) 729-4414. Call from a pay-phone so that it can not be traced back. E-mail is traceable. If figure a few months of threats and insults should make hime realize the error in his ways.

January 24th, 2001, 09:12 AM
Copy of e-mail to the president of the Skyhawks.

The title is "Dishonoring the dead".

Dear Jim,

All of us that live the dream of flight accept that the joy of flying includes living closer to the edge. For those who fly death is acknowledged as a worthwhile risk for the benefit of living a fuller life. Some fly planes, gliders, parchutes, and some fly their human bodies. Flight is flight, and a death in persuing the dream of flight is always honorable.

Apparently your Jim Ritchie does not belive so, and ridicules the death of a woman who was loved by thousands of people. Check out this link placed by Mr. Ricthie.

Jan perished doing what she loved, flying. Mr. Ritchie dis-honors himself, the Skyhawks, and all of our brothers and sisters who have died pursuing the dream of flight.

January 24th, 2001, 04:55 PM
Mister, your letter hit the nail on the head. It could NOT have been put any more accurately, or level-headedly. I wish I had written it. Instead, to anyone who reads this, BOY, does it echo my sentiments! We miss you, Jan.
Go to hell, Jim.

January 25th, 2001, 07:28 AM
To further emphasize the ignorance of this wanna be aviator... It appears as though this Jim Ritchie is not even an A4 pilot. He is just a another squid wanna be a pilot with nothing better to do than to try and make an impression on his aviator peers in order to cover up his personal insecurities. The only way this chump will ever burn in is if he burns his lips on the cigararette lighter in his truck and a spark ignites the grease in his unwashed hair or the breath from the $2.00 gallon of whiskey under the seat. It is no wonder this dork can not apprectiate the struggle for flight and the sacrifices many have made...especially in the earlier days of Jets, and Space. Tell Mr. Ritchie that once he has accomplished something in his own life then he will better understand what many have gone through and sacrificed in order to realize their dreams and ours... quit living vicariously through a bunch of retired A4 pilots and get a life dork!

Donk out

January 25th, 2001, 04:22 PM
Go get him boys!

January 30th, 2001, 06:30 PM
"DITTOS", Ladies and Gentlemen.