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December 17th, 1999, 03:05 PM
sorry, couldnīt resist that one http://www.baselogic.com/forum/images/wink.gif

Motives; It is one of the most famous Landmarks in
the world, surely if youīre a BASEr, you can undestand the attraction.

"You hear time and time again, that if a person jumps for attention or to impress someone then they are doing it for the wrong reason"

Hearing it and proving it in relation to this jump isnīt working. What if attention and impressions are by-products,
would it be okay then? or are Illegal, publicized jumps, passeī?
Felix was going to do it anyway, even though the
sponsor wanted to cancel the jump because of the access dangers.

As for as dropping his name, consider it an act of
courage, he is standing
up and taking responsibility for what he did.
Thor-Alex was a good friend and John Vincent was my
student and is a good friend. Among others. And they not only did something, but stood up for it also.

>What makes him so sure that it hasnīt been jumped
Easy, the complexity involved.

Ya know what Matt? you are such a perfect example of
a " Do minimal/Critique
much", example.
I only know you from your critiques posts.What have
you done that was noteworthy in The sport of BASE? Rescue? Iīve been
doing that since `96, I maybe even jumped Moab before you, Jan. of 94.
( sorry, my ego poked itīs ugly head)

Is it really more difficult to do for you now? Was this really on your
list of "Things to do
today"?????Day Late I think.

Brash and disrespectful? Itīs a tourist attraction,
not a Religious Shrine.
We checked out the pissoffability of the locals
before and afterhand, the guy is a hero in Brazil.
If you wish to discuss this further, letīs do it at
the Bar 20 meters from the BASE of the statue.

No BASE jumpers make access to a Hi-profile jump
more difficult. Only your mind does.
One manīs edge is another manīs horizon. tw96

We do respect your discourse on the subject, and
hope we have given insights
on your topics from our vantage pts.

Our Plan/Contingency plans could serve as a model
for a Publicized jump, illegal or not, we had hired our own camera crews under the control of Video guards, whose job it was to snagg the Vid after filming was complete. And also contractual agreements to prohibit the publicization of any video without our approval. Thereby preventing Neg. publicity in case of an accident. Murphy lurks.

Felix writes;>
>Trace, Got your e-mail now, that is exactly what I think
>about the whole story!!
>To do legal base jumps like they did on Bridge Day,
>Space Needle and El Cap in front of live Tv Cameras,
>that is a very risky thing because if something goes
>wrong they would spray the story around the world! So they should >ask themself what is the better deal for the BASE-Sport!We (you and >me)did the first step to show the whole world and the BASE-scene
>how to present a Base-operation in a correct way. It doesnt matter >if legal or illegal, the way how you present it to the public-media >is of paramount importance.

But because you feel Violated...... I think you have no Idea of, or the interest (I think) in the preplanning that went on. But I will say it was extensive and covered a lot more than your feeble (Though Respected) concerns.

One Note!
Until now, I only have seen Negative BASE spots here
in Europe on television,
BD, They only make you look like foolish idiots, (8
broken legs and only 7 injured ").
this was the First posi-story that I have seen, In 5yrs and
possibly the most famous.
Legal jumps are idiotic in the Mediaīs view, Illegal jumps are viewed as being very cool. Felix & CO had a job to do and did
much to the furthering of BASE. Now you have a documented case where an Illegal jumped from 29m, and you have a place that is 6 times as high and you want to do it legal: Sounds like hefty ammo to me.....

How many times have you been asked (as a BASEr)
"whatīs the lowest you can jump?".
We set a documented public standard that us
intheknow BASErs knew was possible well over a decade ago.

I really hope you are clever enough to use this
publicized jump to further your/our goals in the acceptance of our sport. I hope That all the main topics you mentioned, we
answered, If you donīt think we answered one, we will be glad to respond to it in the forum or privately as you wish.

Do something or be a "do nothing critic".....
Feel free to contact me or Felix personally,

Felix & Co.
trace and felix

SuperPraise-To Dennis!!!

One manīs edge is another manīs horizon. TW ī96