View Full Version : Visiting Dennis

December 10th, 1999, 08:00 PM
YaHoo! Just got off the phone with Dennis. He filed a grievance about his wife being banned from seeing him, over our little birthday party. Got his answer today....Avery & I can now go see him, but if ANYTHING like that happens again, HE will be the one to be punished! He was told that it is HIS responsibility to insure that his friends don't break the rules and regulations. Anyway I am SO HAPPY! Going down tomorrow night (Sat.) to see him again. Will pass on all your thoughts to him. YaHOO!!!!

December 10th, 1999, 10:18 PM
That's terrific news!!
Mr. Salty must have a soft spot afterall.
Congratulations, have fun, and give him all our best wishes, too.

I called Washoe County Jail about the package that was returned, and the woman who answered the
phone said all I had to do was take everything to a book store. Doesn't even have to be from the publisher. They'll accept it as long as I'm not the one who sends it.

I went right over to Barnes and Noble, and they said they send books to inmates every day. They
took everything I brought, even all the cards and letters, and packaged it up all together. They did,however, warn me about one of the books... Apparently it's not uncommon for a plot to be interpretted as "controversial", whatever that means... (probably paranoid of prison riots)

Please tell Dennis it's on its way again!
Hope I don't cause any "controversies" with the material!


December 11th, 1999, 12:18 AM
As I recall, Dennis was jailed about a week before BD '99.. That lets him out of his 90-day sentence during the 2nd week of January right? What's the exact date?

December 11th, 1999, 01:04 AM
Well, his official release date is Jan 5th, but we're still trying to get him released around the 22nd of Dec., which would be 85% of his sentence served, with time off for good behavior....Fred is working on it...Hope it happens. That would be an awesome X-mas gift for us both! And would certainly start Y2K off on a better note!

December 11th, 1999, 01:31 AM
Brenda, I sent you this e.
It bounced!

Fri, 10 Dec 1999 23:28:12 -0800
Avery Badenhop
@Home Network
Brenda Oldfield

Glad to hear they're going to let you in.
Have a good one, and give Dennis my regards.
I hope Fred can spring him before Xmas.
Let me know how it goes.

December 11th, 1999, 04:18 PM

Tell Dennis that we will say a prayer for a quick and safe exit from the pokeyhttp://www.baselogic.com/forum/images/shocked.gif)

That sounds excellent!!!! Yahooo!!!

Blue Skies, Timmm