View Full Version : Turkey Boogie winding down

December 1st, 2002, 02:27 PM
What a weekend! The weather could not have been nicer to us. Everyone spent Friday wandering around to the different areas. About 15 people ascended the fixed line in Day Canyon and jumped the Jug or Not. Congratulations, especially to those who have never jugged before. On Saturday everyone met at Mineral bottom and jumped until dark, into the dark, actually. The Unimog made about 15 trips up from the bottom with a record load of about 28 people crammed in and on it. There was a great "train" load in memory of Lee W. with 21 people all jumping Mary's Gash one after the other, as soon as the person in front of them was clear of the airspace, so a train of canopies flew down the canyon. Vertigo decided to include a cookout from the proceeds of the registration. This seemed to be appreciated by all because no one ever remembers to bring food out to Mineral and you are out in the middle of nowhere when you remember. There were a few sprains, a possible broken wrist, but no major injuries which is, of course, fantastic. Donk, Jason Bell and friends hosted a party at their rental house last night. Thank you. There were a total of about 69 people in attendance with probably 50 jumpers. It was a great crowd with no attitude other than what seemed to be a competition on who could get the most jumps off the most different objects while having the most fun, simultaneously. Everyone won. I want to thank everyone who was here and can't wait to see you again next year! We already have some awesome plans which will be discussed later...
Thank you!!
Jimmy and Marta

December 1st, 2002, 07:03 PM
I will always bow to Jimmy and Marta's experience as BASE jumpers, so I feel kinda sheepish correcting Jimmy about the name of one of his local sites.
As much as she hates the dis/honor of having a Mineral Canyon BASE site partially named for her, she likes it even less when her name is mis-spelled. It will soon be three years since that fatefull New Years Eve eve, when while jumping "The Gash", that Mari S had a 180* opening and subsequently found herself hanging by an end cell, 250 feet off the canyon floor. Her rescue took 8 hours.
We were jumping with Earl Redfern, who had named The Gash in the first place, and I guess he couldn't resist personalizing it for just for her.

As a side note, here is a portion of an email I received from Captain Mari yesterday...

"...back to the tent! Yep, I leave Monday, 2 Dec, for another tour chasing Talipunks and other miscellaneous adventures. Estimated time of return is sometime in February. I'll have access to email over there, but be forewarned--it's really slow so attachments don't work very well, and I can only use it for 20 minutes at a time before I have to get back in line."

Let's all wish her good luck roughing up the "talipunks" for us.


December 2nd, 2002, 09:20 AM
Excellent work. I have never seen it spelled in all this time. It is now etched in stone, pun intended. And as for naming sites, I always bow to the first descender. We have jumped and named sites only to find that they were jumped and named prior. We use the original name in deference to the original descenders. The one site out here that seems to be having trouble reverting is "Welshman's walk" first jumped by Julian and Jay Bone. Jay and Julian sat on top of this jump(212 feet) for quite awhile until Julian(being a Welshman) just stood up and walked off the exit point. Marta and I went and static lined it(they free fell it), named it "Iguanadon" and went home. A couple weeks later Jay was showing me video and he says"I'll bet you've never seen this one" and shows me our new jump, being jumped a couple weeks prior to us jumping it. I keep telling people that it is called Welshman's walk and people keep telling me they jumped Iguanadon. So for the record, the jump past Tombstone at the top of the hill, down to the right jumping into the canyon is called Welshman's Walk. Anyone else having jumped and named a site first is welcomed to let me know and I will pass it along.
As far as a guidebook, who knows, I seem to have trouble getting to my own wedding, much less organizing a guide book.

December 2nd, 2002, 10:50 AM
Glad y'all had a great time up there! I'm jealous.

Got my rig and it's beautiful! Good job on the black & gray. Can't wait to take it for a test spin (pun intended).

Dare I ask what kept y'all from making it to your wedding? Or is that a sore subject? :'(

December 2nd, 2002, 12:01 PM
Just a quick "THANK YOU" to all in Moab for a great time there. I met many good people and hope they had as good a time as I did!!! Marta, JIMMY, Clint,Bill,Hank etc... thanks again!!! Bill I hope all works out for you . Speedy recovery !!

P.S Hank can you let me know what happened to my Climbing harnass and beaner?

C/YA Michel :)


December 2nd, 2002, 12:36 PM

This raises a good point. How do we keep track of our new exits?

Tung 'N Gruv opened 2 new sites this time around and one is particularly dear to us. "Punk Rock" was named for Lee Werling by his team and we want to make sure that, like him, it becomes immortalized.

I have GPS & video of the jumps. Are you keeping track of the sites? If not, who will?

I'll volunteer if no one else takes this up.

Sorry we didn't get a chance to say goodbye to everyone. Catch you soon.


December 2nd, 2002, 01:19 PM
Hey - sorry we didn't get a chance to say goodbye to everyone. We had a kickass time!! Big props to JimmyP and Marta for hosting a helluva boogie!!

We'll send out the harness and 'biner (as a Texan I am still laughing at "beaner")

-Hank & Carrie

December 3rd, 2002, 05:42 PM
Hey Everyone!

Thank you everybody for making my first trip to Moab a fun one. The watermelon house gang was awsome and I can't wait to party with everyone again next time.

Hank, I have Michel's climbing gear and am going to send it to him tommorow in the mail.

Steve Baich (Sparky):7

December 3rd, 2002, 06:11 PM
Thanks again to Jimmy and Marta and everyone I jumped with at this years excellent Turkey Boogie.
I made 14 great jumps from a variety of awesome sites over three days and had a fantastic time!

December 4th, 2002, 09:16 AM
What a cool weekend of Moab jumping. Highlights included:

-Jugging up a 100' rope to jump the "Jug or Not". Thanks Damian D. for all the help, since I usually only look at climbing as a method to get to the exit point.
-Joe C climbing up Donk's body, since Joe couldn't reach the chain at the Four Horseman.
-Wondering up some canyon in the middle of nowhere with Jimmy P, who was supposed to be in Brazil by now.
-The Lee Werling memorial train.
-Buzzing by Donk's 3-way only seconds before they were going to exit and scaring the crap out of all of them.
-Almost tipping over the Unimog on the road out of Mineral Canyon.
-Leaving my fanny pack, keys, and wallet at Mineral Canyon overnight next to my make-shift toilet.
-Combat BASE with Joe.
-Lots of breasts.
-Getting lost 5 minutes into the Echo Canyon climb.
-Hanging out with 50+ great friends all weekend long.

Cya all next year, perhaps!!!!!

Jason Bell (BASE428)
Email: jbell@vertical-visions.com
Web: www.vertical-visions.com or www.bridgeday.info

December 4th, 2002, 10:31 AM
Well, for those of you who are familiar with the Vegas wedding-paperwork thing, it will come as no surprise that I showed up at the airport to go to Brazil without my visa allowing me into Brazil. As it turns out, all I would have had to do is bring my expired passport which has the visa stamp in it. NO additional paperwork is necessary. Everything happens for a reason. I was able to return to Moab and finish the boogie, and I am now scheduled on a flight for the 10th, with 2 days to spare to make the wedding. I will try to remember to bring my expired passport but I cannot guarantee anything.

December 4th, 2002, 10:41 AM
So skinflicka is Justin? Or Jimmy? or Jase? Way to go to Tongue in Groove for opening up 2 new sites. I believe, apart from a suspected new one in Mineral Bottom, that those were the only new sites opened during the boogie. At this point, all of the sites are in my head, on gps' or dots on topo maps. Eventually, I would like to gps them all with approach info as well. At this point, if you could send me the gps coordinates with the site names, I will record them into a file which will eventually have all the sites in it. I think that it is important that whoever jumps a site first gets credit by naming it. In climbing guide books, they credit all of the people in the party who climbed it first. You have the option of giving all of the names or just being referred to as "tongue in groove"
Thanks for coming out!

December 4th, 2002, 10:50 AM
moab rocks. thanks jimmy & marta and everyone for making this boogie awesome. perfect weather, cool people, tons of fun. anyone know who was taking video on the second to last daylight load at gash on saturday? i firewired video from her of my boy/girl 2way off mary's gash, but my tape screwed up, of course. if anyone knows how to get in touch, lemme know!!

thanks everyone


December 4th, 2002, 11:55 AM
Thanks for an incredible weekend filled with outstanding flicks and outrageous parties. Combat BASE ruled, Turkey and Lasagna...what a combo, Super Quarters...to which we all (who partook) paid the penalty for Sunday morning, Boob beer bongs, and getting frost bite on my ass from climing in the refrigerator naked!!! and only some Minor damage to GrandMas house from Saturdays party.

CU Next year!

Donk GB#1

December 4th, 2002, 12:45 PM
Justin's too busy jumpin' to write and Jimmy has too many fingers to type easily.

I'll get the GPS info to ya pronto.

I don't want to upset Mr Aiello's son Tom by posting the sites on the board but if anyone wants the info then Email me directly.

Thanks for blowing my cover Jimmy. Now I'll have to beat off hordes of screaming women seeking autographs and pole smoking.

Give Marta a big hug from me.



December 6th, 2002, 12:11 PM
It was my first trip to Moab, Utah, but it won't be the last. Thanks to Jimmy and Marta again for the time of my life. One of the highlights of the trip would have to be seeing Donk's ass at Mineral Bottom, thanks dude. I have tons of pictures from the boogie so if you want some please email me. Jensweird@aol.com Does anyone know how I can get ahold of Douggs and JJ? I have some pics for them. Until next time, have fun jumpin' around!

PC (Jen)
Team Tung 'N Gruv
P.S. For those who don't know me, I'm Jimmy Kensill's (base #725) girlfriend:*

December 6th, 2002, 01:48 PM
Hey Jase,
Sorry to blow your cover, you'll probably have to change your email now unless you like love letters from starry eyed teenage girls. My view on sharing site information around this area where it's environmentally fragile and it's legal is to share as much information as possible on as many sites as possible. In the long run, each site will get visited less frequently and people will get to do different jumps. It just makes sense. There are only a few that I will only give out at knifepoint and that is only because they jump onto the road in blind sections that make us a hazard to vehicles and vice versa. Other than that, there is no reason to protect the identity of these sites, in fact there is every reason to share them! And speaking of sharing, thanks for all of the great shirts that your crew handed out!

December 7th, 2002, 10:29 AM
sorry i could not make the boogie it sounds like
it was awsome. on 11/4/02 at 2:00 am i was
on my local tower. every thing went well until
the last sec. a branch grabed my end cell spining & collapseing the canopy. very high a$$ landing
on a paved road breaking my pelvis in 4 place's
im out of the hospital now but have a way's to go
yet. so any way there's next year. hope to see
every one in TF on memorial day weekend i will
be a 1000 % by then.

have fun
be safe
dave doucette #762


December 7th, 2002, 04:57 PM

Sorry to hear about the pelvis, I'm a little laid up from surgery (non-jumping related) myself. I edited our Moab footage, give me your address and I'll send the short video to you to enjoy while you recover.

BASE 733:+

Morpheus Tech
December 8th, 2002, 04:55 AM
Hey Dave,

Rob and I are so sorry to hear about your mishap. I hope you heal up well. E-mail me privately with the gory details.

Here I sit, pecking away one handed. I dislocated my right shoulder on an exit during the sunset 40 way last Friday. Needless to say, I was down to a one parachute system.

Oh well. You and I, along with Baxter can spend lots of time watching cool BASE videos for a while.

Get well soon.
