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November 13th, 2002, 01:44 PM

Tuesday, November 12, 2002

VANCOUVER (CP) -- Three Americans have been arrested and charged after two men parachuted off from the 42nd floor of a downtown Vancouver hotel.

Police said two men jumped from the Empire Landmark Hotel on trendy Robson Street about 11 a.m. Sunday while a third man videotaped the jump, called base jumping.

The names of the men, all from Seattle, were not released.

One of the jumpers landing on the roof of a parked car, suffering minor injuries, while the other hit the side of a building and apparently tried grabbing onto an eavestrough one the way down, pulling it off the building.

Police also seized the videotape.

¿ Copyright 2002 Canadian Press

November 15th, 2002, 07:44 PM

November 18th, 2002, 06:52 AM
On first read, I didn't even realize these guys were jumping at 11 am. Geez.


November 18th, 2002, 11:03 AM
Good guys, poor choices.

November 18th, 2002, 01:00 PM
>Good luck.... the cops/courts carry a
>particularly bad attitude towards BASE in Van.

It's little wonder with buffoonery like that going on.

November 18th, 2002, 03:14 PM
On behalf of the jumpers from Seattle, I would like to apologise to the Vancouver crew. They understand the mistakes made and have leared a great deal from the consequences. I will post further details as well as the accurate chain of events after the court date.

P.S.- FYI, It was not Josh nor I