View Full Version : Internal handle mod

Neil UK
November 12th, 2002, 03:23 AM
I am looking to mod my external handled 38" to an internal handle using a practice golf ball (aka wiffle ball?). I was thinking that if I attach the ball to the centre line with a small paracord loop, it could slide up and down easily and wouldn't interfere with inflation etc. This was a step on from the "floating" handle idea of putting a handle inside the p/c loose which I didn't like the feel of (didn't jump it).

Has anybody tried either way or got any comments on the best way forward?


Be safe, enjoy


November 12th, 2002, 06:37 AM
Hey Neil,

A more practical solution might be to sew a layer of f-111 around the crown and over the existing handle. It really wouldn't need to be very tight since the only purpose of the covering is to keep bridle from snagging under an edge of the handle. This way you don't need to pick out or cut any stiches (that you may not realize serve dual purpose). The ball floating on the centerline sounds like a bad idea. Too many unknowns. The ball just packed into the crown seems to work well. I saw students at Kjerag taught that method (by Space I believe).

Remember, its OK to party and do rigging work as long as you plan to party when you jump the new mods.

Tree :D

November 12th, 2002, 10:41 PM
I was helping out some of the ones with questionable handles like this, my normal method is a 35mm plastic film container with a few extra rubber bands inside so I always have easy access whilst loading the tail pocket. On parapak or cordura crowned PC's it seemed the crown was enough. How ya doin Tree?
take care,