View Full Version : Moderators working overtime
November 4th, 2002, 01:29 PM
Looks like somebody, (I don't like naming people on the board like this.....but....his old username rhymes with Dopeymon, his new one with Promise.....) has been getting the moderators ax!
I can see him now....all bent with anger and frustration. You know this is just killing him! Oh well, keep posting man, maybe one or two will slip past the watchfull eye.
I know I'm a Dick, I just thought it was sort of funny to see his name appear on so many topic listings, only to find his post was already snuffed out. I also posted this because this board is just too damn warm and fuzzy now.}>
Maybe if I put something of substance in this post, IT won't get shuffled out as well.....
I think the prefered way to deploy a wingsuit in BASE (not talking skydiving here) is to collapse the wings after pilot chute release. My personal technique is to throw my pilot chute, then bring my hands up to my chest while I drive my elbows into the sides of my ribcage. This has been working very well for me, even in a couple of low pulls. (38" zp with standard handle)
I have seen many folks who open back up after deployment, and though this may work in high pulling skydive situations, I think the wings should be out of the way to create the least amount of burble possible for BASE.
Someone posted a question about this awhile back, but nobody was answering. Seems the hot topic at the time was the size of Karen's butt. (I've seen it. If you want, we can talk about it some more....)
Snapperhead Event Coordinator
November 4th, 2002, 01:37 PM
You know, I thought the Board was getting a bit dry, stale, and...well...boring, so I thought I'd inject some fun and play. I guess I asked for it, didn't I? a bunch of guys I don't know are going to be discussing the size of my butt when I'm not even there to defend myself or enjoy the banter. OUTSTANDING!
Cripes...anyone got one of those portable black holes you pull out of your pocket, throw on the floor, then jump into? Well, I'll take a dozen. That might get me through the next week on the Board.
In the meantime, I think I'll do a double at the Pet Rock. Any locals care to join? If so, I'm going up LAST so ya'll can't be measuring me from behind.
Wednesday is the day. 6:30 a.m. Do the Doux.
November 4th, 2002, 04:36 PM
I owe you an apology. I didn't mean to make a big thing out of your a$$ (snigger).
If I had an hour to spare I'd kiss every last square yard of it.
Yours in fun,
Mobe - 16 days and counting. Yahoooooooo!
November 4th, 2002, 05:24 PM
Oh, you DOG! Just you wait until I get my wits about me again. You'll PAY PAY PAY for that one!
So we figure you can BASE jump, we figure you can probably climb a little, but HOW WELL DO YOU RUN?
Put on the Nikes when you see me comin'.
November 4th, 2002, 05:43 PM
I'm too lazy to run, I climb like a lead balloon and I only BASE jump because Jimmy makes me do it.
It's all in jest sis. Let's go flick something in Mobe. You bring the beer and I'll make sure there's some bubbles in the hot tub.
I can almost guarantee that my butt's bigger then yours. But, hey, you can never tell when nature will throw out a 180 with lie twists.
Flik me...Is that the time?
I'd better get off the Board and start trolling the net for filth.
November 5th, 2002, 01:54 PM
I saw this in STAR WARS, and I like the saying.
here is a quote from MASTER YODA.
"Size matters not. Only in your mind size matters."
and I would like to add that even though I have not met you in person, or seen or measured your butt, SIZE DOESN'T matter. I am looking for a WOMAN to have a RELATIONSHIP with that has:
A) A good attitude
B) Likes adventures
C) accepts me for being me
D) likes to watch me BASE jump
E) MAKES good ground crew
it seems like simple things to look for, but believe me or not, it is NOT simple requirements to fulfill with a woman in TODAY's society.
maybe that is an invitation for a date with ANY woman who reads this board.
MAYBE? any takers?
I am a nice guy, and try to be. sometimes I cannot be though. it hurts me MORE to be mean that it does to be nice.
SO BASICALLY, I wouldn't even be looking at your butt if you were jumping in front of me, unless I watched you exit and deploy, in which case I hope I saw it, as you were STABLE during deployment.
unless you are doing flips I guess.
either way, I was taught to deploy FLAT AND STABLE.
Thomas :-)
November 5th, 2002, 02:13 PM
... that was hilarious!!!
Thomas likes his girls Flat and Stable. Or Fat and stable for that matter... Unless they are doing flips.
November 5th, 2002, 03:15 PM
He's baaaaaaaack. . .
November 5th, 2002, 05:48 PM
Oh, absolutely, this is all in fun! I hope you realize I wasn't seriously threatening you. Just trying to save face in light of the light on my arse.
By the way, I'm skipping the Pet Rock tomorrow. I'm leaving in about 4 hours to check out a B. Wish me luck, guys, for perhaps tomorrow this gal will be getting her # FINALLY!!!!!!
Peace to all, and thanks for the fun on the Board. Skin, see ya in Moab!
November 5th, 2002, 06:46 PM
Hi K!
Are you going to be home around Turkey time? I'm coming that way for 10 to 12 days and would love to have some company at your little rock. (not to mention that I would like to finally meet you)
I'll be there with multiple packed rigs and would love some company!
November 5th, 2002, 07:14 PM
Hey Bryan!
I'm really REALLY hoping I'll be in Moab over the Thanksgiving weekend...I have it planned, but my house is in escrow and could close at any time. I may be moving that weekend!
But you'll be here plenty long enough to check out the Pet Rock and all that jazz, so no worries. I'd be glad to flik the Doux with you. I may even have another surprise or two up my sleeve...(sites guys, sites!)
I look forward to meeting you.
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