View Full Version : different forums

October 22nd, 2002, 04:00 AM
I really enjoyed reading kleggo's post about Bridge Day, and then it was gone! I understand it was moved to the bridge day conference, but for something as current as bridge day and with such appeal to jumpers all over, I think it should have stayed on the BASEboard for a while - no one's going to go to the bridge day conference just to check if there's something new on a normal day...

A lot of people put a lot of effort into the event - the more exposure we can give them the better!!!

Just my opinion...

Skypuppy BASE92:+

October 22nd, 2002, 04:51 AM
I agree.

On a tangent, I posted something about the NRGB yesterday that had NOTHING to do with Bridge Day (other than the fact that I realized certain information while I was there). It was moved to the BD Conference. HUH?

Ya never know, since we mentioned BD twice in this thread, it'll prolly be moved too.
