View Full Version : BASE in the shortest time

October 9th, 2002, 01:31 PM
To all who shall read my post, greetings. Let it be known, I shall lurk no more!

Okay, I got something on my mind. I have friends that took a long time (even years) to get all four objects.

Not that I want to race or anything, but I was wondering what the shortest period of time it took for someone (a brand-spanking newborn) to do all four. A day? A week? A month?


October 9th, 2002, 02:32 PM
I got my first 3 in about a week, I just couldn't get that building lined up...



October 9th, 2002, 08:38 PM
Well, when you try to push the sport as in getting BASE in as few jumps into the sport as possible.... 1 of 3 things will happen:

1. You will kill yourself and make every other (Real)BASE jumper in the world look very bad as some dumb ass was acting stupid unlike the rest of the REAL community.

2. You will get really busted up and forever remember how stupid it was to push it so hard every morning when you wake up and can't walk for an hour.

3. You will somehow get lucky and pull it off, then act like you are something special. Then you will promote your escapades to new jumpers, and then one or many of them will fall victim of #1 or #2.

Just my 2cents and bias opinion.

October 9th, 2002, 10:10 PM
I heard the Portland crew did it in just a few hours.

October 9th, 2002, 10:14 PM
My bad. From the first jump on. Duh.

That sounds dangerous. Bad idea to push it hard in that direction. My guess is a week or two though.

October 10th, 2002, 05:38 AM
Thanks Mick.

I was just wondering.

Like I said, I personally am not in a race (nor a hurry, for that matter). There's lots of egos out there. I know folks have done all four in a matter of hours. I wanted to see who claimed to be speedy rodriguez right from the gate.

Have gone to Florida to fight Indians. Will be back when war is over...

October 10th, 2002, 05:11 PM
Hope you weren't planning on keeping your scalp.


July 8th, 2004, 02:17 PM
My bad. From the first jump on. Duh.I know one person that did it in 8 jumps. Don't know how much time it took, though.

E Raist
July 8th, 2004, 03:59 PM
Portland is a lousy place to get BASE in 8 jumps let alone 4. I heard the guy who did it in 8 jump had a total of 4 months pass between jump #1 and jump #8.

You could theoretically go pound out jumps off the Perrine, then go to Moab, find an antenna around your DZ, and find a good building from someone... You might be able to get them all in a week if you -really- worked at it.

Be careful though.


July 13th, 2004, 10:01 AM
I know of one UK jumper who completed BASE on their 5th jump. Not in the UK.


July 13th, 2004, 01:59 PM
In the "Skydiving" magazine from August 2001 there is an article about BASE in less than two hours (related to the article all jumps were performed in Oregon). I think nobody has broken this record so far.


July 14th, 2004, 01:08 AM
I know of one UK jumper who completed BASE on their 5th jump. Not in the UK.

I also know of a UKer who did it in just 4 jumps, she then hung up her rig........ its all she wanted to do. This was sometime ago............ old skool stylie............. :eek:

July 14th, 2004, 01:13 AM
In the "Skydiving" magazine from August 2001 there is an article about BASE in less than two hours (related to the article all jumps were performed in Oregon). I think nobody has broken this record so far.

Last year myself and a friend set out to do UK BASE in the quickest time, I hurt my leg on the first jump (B) and GC'd for the rest...... it was hard and tiring - but he managed to do UK B.S.E.A in 12 hours 15 mins............ not sure if this has been done since in the UK.............. anyone?

that was hard enough - with many miles travelled!

July 14th, 2004, 09:15 AM
I thought BASE 404 was a 4 jump wonder. Is this correct? I think DM and/Or NDi would know. This was pretty old-school as well.

July 14th, 2004, 09:34 AM
hey Craig - hows the basenumbers.org collation of data getting along? do you have any more detailed info on number of jumps etc?


Tom Aiello
July 14th, 2004, 10:53 PM
I thought BASE 404 was a 4 jump wonder. Is this correct? I think DM and/Or NDi would know. This was pretty old-school as well.

My understanding was the DM got him a number in 5 total parachute jumps. One airplane tandem followed by four BASE jumps.

July 15th, 2004, 03:41 AM
Of the 54 people who provided their data, the minimum number of days to completion was 49. Of the 57 people who provided their data, the minimum number of jumps was 4. These are two different people.

March 25th, 2008, 12:59 PM
I know of one woman who did BASE (UK) in 4 jumps and then gave up [BASE] jumping. This was during the fury in a skydiving rig day...

March 25th, 2008, 01:11 PM
>>I thought BASE 404 was a 4 jump wonder. Is this correct? I think DM and/Or NDi would know. This was pretty old-school as well.<<

BASE 404 did BASE in 7 jumps.

I've heard of plenty of folks who've done the BASE circuit in 24 hours, although they tended to be already experienced BASE jumpers. That was mostly in the 1990s, and it seems, not many endeavor to do that much anymore.

NickD :)
BASE 194

March 25th, 2008, 01:16 PM
>>I thought BASE 404 was a 4 jump wonder. Is this correct? I think DM and/Or NDi would know. This was pretty old-school as well.<<

BASE 404 did BASE in 7 jumps.

I've heard of plenty of folks who've done the BASE circuit in 24 hours, although they tended to be already experienced BASE jumpers. That was mostly in the 1990s, and it seems, not many endeavor to do that much anymore.

NickD :)
BASE 194

My friend and I a few years ago endeavoured to do UK BASE in 24 hours..... and completed it...hard work...