View Full Version : Really Basic Question - Newbie

December 12th, 2000, 11:30 PM
I just discovered this site a few days ago, and I have a problem right now. I can't stop thinking about BASE jumping. It occupies my thoughts constantly, it's something that I know will change my life when I get to doing it. And there is my problem, I have no idea about the steps I need to make. I've heard I need to skydive beforehand, to learn chute control, but what I'd really like to know is how some of you guys got into it. Were you skydivers beforehand? If so, how did you jump? Did you have to get certified? This question is really basic, I know, but I'm going to be doing this pretty soon and I need to know what I have to do.



December 13th, 2000, 12:35 AM
The Short Answer:

HELL YES! You MUST learn to skydive beforehand.

For a longer answer, see:


--Tom Aiello

December 13th, 2000, 03:54 PM
Thanks alot Tom!

I've just spend about four hours on the web going through all the links that your link led to. I know exactly where my graduation money is going towards now :) I have a totally new respect for BASE jummping after reading all the bad stories, and more importantly, how they happened. I know it's gonna take some time, but the results are worth it from what I've read. Thanks again.

Don Mac

December 13th, 2000, 07:38 PM
I see that Tom has pointed you to some good links and confirmed that skydiving is a preprequisite. Skydiving is about flying (your body) and canopy control. BASE jumping is about falling in control and canopy control. Skyding provides a much safer environment for learning how to fly your canopy. Exiting from a fixed object requires a completely different approach than what is appropriate for aircraft exits. Lots of different advice is available on this forum, but I think most BASE jumpers would endorse a learning plan with the following elements.

1) learn to skydive
2) learn to pro pack
3) learn to fly & land a 7-cell canopy
4) consider BASE specific training such as offered by Basic Research and Consolidated Rigging
5) try to make your first jumps from an open span

If you start soon, a reasonable plan would be to learn to skydive soon and spend next summer on canopy control skills. Then attend the First Jump Course offered at Bridge Day in October to make your first BASE jump at New River Bridge on West Virginia. You could accelerate this schedule by traveling more and getting a coach.

As a learning experience, you may want to attend the IPBC competitions in Moab, Utah and Twin Falls, Idaho next year.

We welcome your interest in the sport. Take time to develop your skills and be safe.

December 14th, 2000, 12:42 AM
Message for Don
I completely agree with my more experienced collegues Tom and Surber.
I would only add the following.
You cannot fall in love with the sport of BASE jump simply reading about BASE jump and simply watching videos about BASE jump and looking at photos about BASE jump. You cannot decide to start to do BASE jump simply reading about BASE jump and simply watching videos about BASE jump and looking at photos about BASE jump. Reading about BASE jump, watching videos and looking at photos about BASE jump can only make to feel yourself an attraction and curiosity about BASE jump.
Before you can decide if you really want to do BASE jump, first you must witness PERSONALLY to several BASE "missions", from live, you must witness the preparation to the jump, how the guys approach the exit and above all how thick is the tension and the fear that precedes a real BASE jump (and while lively witnessing BASE missions, you can surely start skydiving, that also is a lot of fun), and only after that you can make your own decision if to start to BASE jump or not.
Because, believe me, when you step until the edge of the exit point and you are about to jump, the internal pressure and tension that you have got in those moments, can be told by no jumper, no video, no photo. There is nothing cool in those moments. You cannot decide now to start BASE jumping, simply because it is not possible to decide such a thing only reading about BASE or looking at photos or watching videos.
So, my very modest advise is the following.
Start to skydive, that is an enormous lot of fun, try to get in touch with local BASE jumper offering to ground crew for them, telling them (and to yourself, above all) that you are a fan and a supporter of BASE jump and that you want to learn and to witness to some BASE missions. Join quite a several BASE missions, and only after that take a decision about starting to BASE jump or not.
This is only my very personal opinion and advice.
I am sorry if I braked your enthusiasm, but I think it is wise first to witness the real part of the sport and then decide if you want to join the sport or not. In BASE jump there is not other way. In skydiving you can do a Tandem jump before deciding if skydiving is the sport of your life. In mountain climbing you can go up an easy way with a guide before deciding to go mountain climbing. In rafting, you can go on a tourist rafting trip before deciding to do rafting as your favourite sport. In BASE, you cannot. So, skydive and witness BASE jump first, and then take a decision.
In the meanwhile, stay safe
Have Fun
Blue Skies