View Full Version : Welcome to the New jumper forum

November 26th, 2002, 10:03 PM
I have created this forum to try to give a more friendly, less hostile place for new jumpers to ask more fundamental questions.

Enjoy the forum.

November 27th, 2002, 01:06 PM
Hey Mick,

I come in this afternoon to do my daily perusal of the BASE Board when 'lo & behold, we have a new forum!

This is really nice in that it hopefully will encourage some of the newbie lurkers (such as myself) to start posting more frequently, get to know the regulars a little better and maybe establish a relationship with a good mentor.

Thanks for all your hard work! :)

November 28th, 2002, 02:50 AM
This is my hope!
I do understand the fear new jumpers have, but must stress:
If you do not ask the correct question, you can hurt yourself. And as much as I love running BLiNC, I really can't stand posting news of jumpers injured or killed. This is by far the worst part of running this site.

Stay safe...and ask whatever questions you have!

January 29th, 2003, 03:24 PM
Hey Mick,

As I continue reading the posts in this forum, I continue to realize what a great idea this is. As a newbie myself with 13 jumps (BASE), I have several questions that arise from time to time. However, I quit posting on the BB because of the mass amounts of flaming. Thankfully, the only people who respond here are those that are interested in helping newbies...not discouraging them. Thanks Mick!!


January 30th, 2003, 12:20 AM
I am truely glad you like it.

March 24th, 2003, 02:47 AM
hey everybody
i have 2 jumps under my belt, going for 10 more next week, that only leaves 288 more jumps to start basejumping :) i cant wait, hopfully it comes fast.


March 28th, 2003, 09:40 PM
This board is exactly what I've been looking for. First of all, thanks so much for starting it. Secondly, can anyone tell me how I can get started BASE jumping? I really have no idea. I'm an avid rock climber and no stranger to extreme sports, but I've never done any BASE jumping and don't even know anyone that has or where to look for them. I don't even know if it goes on much where I live (TN). Any help anyone could offer would be appreciated. Thanks!

April 4th, 2003, 04:26 PM
does anyone know of any base jumpers in oklahoma? i live in tulsa. any help is appreciated. thanks, chris.

April 6th, 2003, 02:40 AM
>This board is exactly what I've been looking for. First of
>all, thanks so much for starting it. Secondly, can anyone
>tell me how I can get started BASE jumping? I really have no
>idea. I'm an avid rock climber and no stranger to extreme
>sports, but I've never done any BASE jumping and don't even
>know anyone that has or where to look for them. I don't even
>know if it goes on much where I live (TN). Any help anyone
>could offer would be appreciated. Thanks!

Check out the "Knowledge BASE". There are heaps of documents to get you in the right direction at least.

April 9th, 2003, 08:34 AM
hello everyone:( i m new person here:)im 17/m /ukrain
i have 89 jumps from aircrafy(no BASE)
i want u to tell me how to start BASE}( }( :+ :*

April 9th, 2003, 08:34 AM
No message

imported_Tom Aiello
April 9th, 2003, 08:46 AM
My advice on starting BASE is here:


This article and other resources are also available in Russian:



Have fun, and be careful.

--Tom Aiello

May 23rd, 2003, 07:35 AM
I would like to know where the best spots for your first couple jumps are in the U.S. I have a great mentor for the the sport, but I like to know things for myself. Thanks!

May 26th, 2003, 04:14 PM
I have created this forum to try to give a more friendly, less hostile place for new jumpers to ask more fundamental questions.


Thank's its very much appreciated.

June 17th, 2003, 12:29 AM
Hi there,

I´ve git a question concerning canopy sizes. As I understand the canopies can be ordered in diffrent sizes which depend on your weight with full gear.

But: Wouldn´t it be wise to use a larger canopy to guarantee relatively soft landing and slower sinking?

I´m going to buy a complete black jack set from CR, but I´m uncertain which canopy (BLACK JACK) size to use for jumping heights from 100- 700 feet appr.

I´m a stuntman and stage fighting choreographer and I´m used to jumping bungee ( from 150 mtr, that´s about 450 feet I guess) from germany´s highest jumping-tower ( abot 130 jumps by now) and did countless skydives under supervision and by now 53 without and I´d like to begin base, because it´s a little like bungee, but even more thrill I suppose.

Can you give me any insights?

Thanks in advance


July 31st, 2003, 09:21 AM
Hi Mick,

there is, and always has only really been one "proper" BASE board, (sorry Tom) ;-)
Seems a touch too bright, but a better interface for people like me.

Thanks for your time & hard work.

August 11th, 2003, 12:04 PM
Nice to see the board now having an area for newbies. I haven;t been on the board in quite some time, I use to lurk a good bit, and actually got a lot of useful information on here after the loss of a friend a year or so ago. Now, the bottom line is, I want to learn about base. I don;t know why, where or how, but for some reason, there is a huge voice in my head telling me that I want to jump from a fixed object. I'm an experienced skydiver with about 1400 jumps, and I know a few local base guys. I guess I have one thing that holds me back, my family. How do others with wives and kids deal with that aspect of things? I won't do it without my wife's blessing, and I'm getting closer to getting that, but I really need help explaining why I want to BASE jump. Hell, I can't even explain it to myself, it just feels like some sort of calling or something is the only way to explain it. Can a family man be a base jumper?

Thanks for any input.

August 20th, 2003, 10:48 AM
i know you have covered this before. sorry to be redundant. just finishing aff training, but i am learning with the intention to start base jumping.(after becoming qualified of course) can i jump a base rig while making my prerequisite skydives? if so, any suggestions would be nice. thanks, chris the newbie.

February 27th, 2004, 05:42 PM
Alright I am planning on making the trip to Idaho in May, taking the course; the whole 9 yards. Can anyone tell what type of set up I will jump for my 1st BASE jumps? Specificly, when I take the course will I be jumping a rig that is packed slider up or down? What about the container and canopy. . . .what type is normally suitable for the beginning BASE jumper?



February 27th, 2004, 07:07 PM
who are you doing your course with? surely they could answer your questions??????????????

February 29th, 2004, 02:29 AM
First I would start skydiving as much as U can to learn canopy control. Back when I started skydiving it was sugested to have at least 500 skydives before making a B.A.S.E jump. B.A.S.E jumping is like no other extreme sport, Its a life style. First learn as much as U can. Find a Drop zone near your home and start skydiving. Make sure when Your ready for your fist jump U go with a real experience B.A.S.E jumper off a legal B for less stress. Know your gear and limits. Good luck and respect sites and locals.

January 7th, 2005, 06:18 PM
does anyone know of any base jumpers in oklahoma? i live in tulsa. any help is appreciated. thanks, chris.

i live in norman and wanna get in to base soone but still havent sky dived but i'd like to get some jumps in w/ u when i get more experienced (or any expereance for that mater)