View Full Version : Speedriding: This Speedrider Skis An Avalanche Off A Cliff | Chamonix Airways, Ep. 4

December 15th, 2017, 04:30 PM
This Speedrider Skis An Avalanche Off A Cliff | Chamonix Airways, Ep. 4
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People do a lot of things for kicks but when you're a speedrider like David Bozon, you go to greater lengths than most to get the blood flowing. Take for instance, this little clip from last week in Chamonix. David speedrides off the Aiguille du Midi, sets his skis down, sets off a river-like avalanche, then rides said avalanche off a cliff. And that's all on a Monday afternoon. You can't even imagine what this guy does on his weekends.

This Speedrider Skis An Avalanche Off A Cliff | Chamonix Airways, Ep. 4

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Posted: 15 December 2017

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