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View Full Version : Speedflying Video: Picnic Table Proximity Speedflying | RIDE THE ELEMENTS with Ueli K

December 15th, 2017, 12:23 PM
Picnic Table Proximity Speedflying | RIDE THE ELEMENTS with Ueli Kestenholz, Ep. 1
http://s2.dmcdn.net/I_r59/160x90-LdO.jpg (http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6bqdi0)http://www.epictv.com

Don't you just hate it when you're enjoying your picnic and a speed flyer comes by and kicks your drink over?

Ueli Kestenholz is that guy.

It's summertime so with no snow to distract him he has to train on his new swing-speedriding-wing. The Mirage speedriding wing has a great glide-to-dive ratio, so Ueli went up to his home mountain Niesen and foot launched off a steep take-off. Then he decided to wreak havoc on some poor picnickers - here's the video.

Producer: Ueli Kestenholz
Athletes: Ueli Kestenholz

Picnic Table Proximity Speedflying | RIDE THE ELEMENTS with Ueli Kestenholz, Ep. 1

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Posted: 15 December 2017

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