August 8th, 2017, 01:28 PM
Hi everyone I'm new to the site. i have got my hands on a old dagger 244 dom 2001. It was hard to find this out the canopy had no name nothing just a blank canopy. I happen to find a serial number in the center cell stamped on the load tape. Anyways was wondering if anyone had experience with this canopy in flight. Control. Opening. Basically anything about it possible. There's not that much about this canopy out there. I have searched forums and can't get much on it.hell only seen one photo of a dagger. Why is there not much out there on this canopy. Surely there a person with a nice bit of jumps on the dagger to help out and someone who's knows it's history . Thanks. Please if your a experience bully just don't post I don't have a ton of jumps or have I tried a bunch of different canopys