View Full Version : The 'Original' BASE Board

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  1. Perrine Jump Planning (cross post)
  2. New Social Groups
  3. Does anyone else use BLiNC RSS feeds?
  4. perrine swoopin
  5. Thinking about going to TF for Memorial Day..
  6. Zeungeleben you fucker
  7. Canyon Climb out Clean up
  8. Rotterdam
  9. Toledo Ohio
  10. Memorial in Twin was awesome!
  11. Manuele Amadori
  12. Gus and Manuele
  13. Taylors UN-Inflator
  14. BASE Camp (FJC)
  15. Memorial Day Video Compilation?
  16. Mt.Brento and Tom Aiello? Anbody know the story?
  17. Lost ladder and hacksaw
  18. windsuit
  19. B.A.S.E. on AGT?
  20. O-Canada
  21. Looking for short film I saw in early '90s
  22. True or False? A certain Hight Profile BaseJumper getting his Ass beat for......
  23. N.E.R.D.s
  24. I only bothered to read the first post...
  25. Good Press
  26. Grocery Bag break cord
  27. Fatality List Updates
  28. 100' bridge jump...blast from the past
  29. yosemite 6/9?
  30. Looking for Cliff Strike
  31. naked nancy
  32. Mammoet - a dutch company
  33. Dangerous dan school of base
  34. Has anyone every BASE jumped off Empire State Building in NY?
  35. Looking for Jumpers to Photograph
  36. Bid on Maggot!
  37. BidonMaggot.org
  38. Stem Cells
  39. World BASE Race 2009
  40. want to Jump 35 stories in xxxxxxx
  41. NEED HELP from new registered USERS
  42. Miami
  43. New BLiNC Magazine Stickers
  44. BETA Home page script....
  45. Perrine Bridge Festival - CONTEST!
  46. "slider-gate"
  47. 1LT Nick Dewhirst (nckdew)
  48. Fucking Karnowski
  49. Accomodation LB
  50. Chicago
  51. GR, Wyoming
  52. CAVE OF THE SWALLOWS - Status Report
  53. NEW BLiNC Stickers
  54. Bridge Day 08'
  55. BLiNC Magazine Avatars
  56. 360 camera interactive video
  57. Perrine Bridge Festival
  58. JESUS or HEY-SuuuSSSS and BASE!
  59. BASE Jumping Rescue Team Needs Your Help
  60. DC, Maryland, Virginia area jumpers...
  61. Just uploaded 100 base jumping videos...
  62. Perrine Bridge Festival - Free Photographs!
  63. Carpool to Royal Gorge GoFast Games from Pacific NW?
  64. Hardcore BASE videos
  65. PNW: Speedflying and Paragliding
  66. KL Tower jumps this weekend
  67. Posting to Classifieds
  68. Great news!
  69. Labor Day in TF
  70. Canopy Service Bulletin from Apex BASE
  71. Loop release/emergency pack opener?
  72. SL Question
  73. Lauterbrunnen accident
  74. ride, or ride-share this weekend to/from Twin falls
  75. .CSS Help needed for small item on new BLiNC Hoem Page...
  76. Need several BETA testers ASAP please.
  77. BASE Course
  78. Tower owners, FCC musing over how to stop taking out birds
  79. Web Designer from PBF last weekend?
  80. Base jumper killed in Norway
  81. Yo Nick,,
  82. Is it the paratard or the tardaglider?
  83. Speaking of Video Fests - BD Video Fest 2008
  84. San Diego locals
  85. Perrine Bridge Festival attracts large crowd, raises money for ... - Twin Falls Times
  86. Maggot.wmv - Maggot Memorial Video
  87. Press Request - Lauterbrunnen photos required
  88. Anyone know the slider size for a cruiselite?
  89. What object type was your first BASE Jump off?
  90. New York outlaws 'base jumping' (AFP via Yahoo! News)
  91. A 'Failsafe' Device?
  92. Utah Crew...
  93. World BASE Race 2009
  94. BASE Climb basejump pakistan great trango doku part 1/3
  95. North Carolina & San Diego, Ca Site Inquiry
  96. "bitch base"
  97. Amping up right before exiting
  98. Any updates on all the BASE events from the last weekend (Sept 26-28)?
  99. SoCal BASErs @ Bridge Day
  100. goddamn i love bridge day!
  101. Annoying
  102. Snake River Base Academy
  103. The Spider
  104. Multi-Rubber
  105. Video action
  106. sabredave's mom
  107. Toxic PC's
  108. Inadvertent evidence
  109. Flik 354
  110. Swiss valley floor dimensions
  111. fatality in france?
  112. Homestead jumpers?
  113. Base jumpers in asia
  114. Site Vandalized in FL
  115. rip off gear?
  116. Remember
  117. Looking for a ride from SLC to Moab on Monday
  118. all the kings horse's and all the.....
  119. Kmonster..
  120. Toronto Locals shout out
  121. Boston, MA
  122. Automatic Weapon Jumping
  123. Done with the Dorkzone
  124. Mark Hewitt
  125. STREAMLINED 08 - Movie release
  126. Yosemite
  127. Vancouver locals?
  128. Chris McNamara
  129. Backpacking with a BASE rig?
  130. Stolen rig recovered in Portland, OR
  131. Public Notice to Tom Aiello
  132. Elevator help
  133. Joy
  134. stevenm
  135. Charleston, SC
  136. analog to digital television and antenna radiation
  137. FlyDive.......
  138. Jables
  139. Miles Daisher's FJC
  140. BASE Jumping Article - Mail on Sunday (UK)
  141. The new Super Dave?
  142. Looking for Base Jumpers for Interview/Video VANCOUVER/SEATTLE/SF/LA
  143. Phx
  144. Colombia
  145. 1983 Bridge jump Video
  146. Seeking Video BASE Moderator
  147. BLiNC Magazine now on Twitter
  148. i film some base, hope u like it!
  149. the world accordng to Howard!
  150. cya
  151. Fatality List Updated - need help
  152. Introduction to meteorology
  153. Parachutes in the 1920's
  154. Reverse Crane Jumping
  155. Randy Harrison
  156. Anyone in Philly near Wachovia Center?
  158. Elevator Vandal
  159. BASE Camp (FJC)
  160. GoFast Story
  161. Skydiving magazine bites the dust
  162. Missouri: kansas city, spring field, st louis, rolla...
  163. Any Base jumpers in Thailand
  164. Antenna Video Primer...
  165. My load's bigger than your load
  166. Patrick De Gayardon La Chute A L'extreme
  167. Northern Cali BASE jumpers need an extra person for ground crew??
  168. Bike jump Base jumping
  169. VIDEO: The columbia speedflying Les ARCS 2009
  170. Blogging Is Dead (PC World)
  171. What is your preferred protective gear combination?
  172. StupidDave.....MySpace photos
  173. Handbrake: Video Editing w/ AVCHD HD Files
  175. Flagstaff
  176. San Diego Locals
  177. Any Long Island B.A.S.E Jumpers
  178. Hollywood BASE...sorta...
  179. BaseR Discussion
  180. Bat-Shit crazy BASE stalker chick from BJ.com?
  181. MD Locals
  182. Las Vegas
  183. Base jumpers: The men who fall to earth (Times Online)
  184. cool video
  185. Footwear
  186. BASE Forum Paradigm Shift
  187. Welcome home Abbie!
  188. would you bandit dayblaze a b in miami on tape in exchange for "exposure"
  189. OSP or Troll?
  190. Man Leaps From 19-Story Mpls. Building For Fun (WCCO Minneapolis - St. Paul)
  191. Wingsuit Skiing (FOX 11 News Los Angeles)
  192. Red Bull Air Force is online!
  193. Fabric Stability
  194. Great Weekend!
  195. Teachers in BASE (Part II)
  196. "Pocket" HD video
  197. Jump from antena of 1000 Ft
  198. Why Parachutists Die - Science Daily (press release)
  199. Young student?
  200. Morpheus Genesis
  201. Who is Craig Lefronk?
  202. Anyone jumped in Peru?
  203. New Improved & Earth Friendly Tailgate Method
  204. I love you man!
  205. Virginia BASE activity?
  206. Remembering Shane McConkey
  207. Is Hankster Really 40 Today?
  208. milan/brento
  209. Looking for Jumpers in Virginia.
  210. true hobo's
  211. study about BASEjumping
  212. base humping...
  213. Wingsuit's for BASE
  214. New website for women BASE jumpers!
  215. San Diego
  216. Don "The Boat Guy"
  217. South Africa in June
  218. leroydb - pilot chute throw
  219. Important mountain flyer issues!
  220. Anyone in the pacific northwest?
  221. Twin Falls Climb Out
  222. Brento logistics
  223. Ueli Gegenschatz: Fulfilling the dream of flight in a high-tech wingsuit
  224. Bacon
  225. Perrine Memorial Day Boogie...
  226. Dan Osman footage
  227. Re: Stupidity
  228. Superdave
  229. World Wide Wingsuit News: Sport Explorers - Jeb Corliss Wingsuit
  230. Lordy,Lordy look whos' 40!
  231. Planks at the Perrine
  232. Urgent call for wingsuit pro's in Europe!
  233. Inquest hears of tragic death leap - Evening News Norwich
  234. Incident Forum : News Feeds
  235. Lovin' Utah and Brendan.....
  236. Is it true what they say about Dd0g?
  237. I love this edit by Erich Wagar - Royal Gorge 2004
  238. Aussie Base Video Night
  239. Memorial Weekend - Hotels
  240. Lowest wingsuit BASE???
  241. GFG 2009?
  242. Browsing issues...
  243. Nitro Rigging Flockus II
  244. Which would fit as an actual definition of "Landing a Wingsuit"
  245. Big Ditch
  246. Travel Insurance
  247. Gear For Sale
  248. Diverse Crane Boogie 2009 !!!
  249. San Diego to Twin Falls for Memorial Day?
  250. DZH