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Thread: 1,000 Smiles and Counting

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  1. #1

    1,000 Smiles and Counting

    Six bloody good mates...
    One Marvelous cliff....
    One Thousand jumps to celebrate....

    In classic short straw fashion (now known as Nik's lucky stick) we shared a moment with many of you today....

    Superb first of it's kind 3 way....scintilating solos...who cares...

    Twasn't about whoose pilot chute is bigger or brighter...or even I remember when..

    "Twas about 6 mates celebrating a friend's/brother's ONE THOUSANDTH smile....
    and really in the long run isn't that's what it's all about.

    Congrats my friend......

    and I know that I speak for you when I say that there were more than just us 6 loonies at that exit point today

    Nik and the Psilly Boys

    First Pint and Ground Crew On US

  2. #2

    RE: 1,000 Smiles and Counting

    Congratulations !

    /Smiles from Lukas and the rest of the Swedish BASE scene

  3. #3

    RE: 1,000 Smiles and Counting

    For those of you who do not speak fluent drunkanese perhaps I could offer an interpretation of Big Niks post.
    We all strolled down to our favorite local E for Dwains 1000th jump yesterday.Dwain being the morbid little bastard that he is insisted that we draw straws to see who was gonna go in. Some sort of Australian custom I guess. The good news is Nik drew the short straw. The bad news of course he didn't go in and was able to go on and write that ridiculous post.

    We did a killer 3 way, Dwain of course taking the low slot. I was really scared so I just ran off dragging my pilot chute. This left plenty of room for one three legged dog in the middle. We had room for one maybe two more if we were really tryin. Unfortunately we couldnt get any takers.

    Just for the record I believe my pilot chute was bigger and brighter ...and I remember very little.

    After the big jump we all went back to Niks and had dinner and got trashed.

    Congratulations Dwain

    There was this wuffo standing on the edge of the cliff when we got there.


    First pint and ground crew on us?
    Maybe if you've got tits.

  4. #4

    RE: 1,000 Smiles and Counting

    Sh!t he made it that far good on you Dwain but nik the post should have read female jumper makes 1000th jump .......... And the short straw's is funny sh!t ask dwain about how freaked out marko was at our fav gourge .....Nik get back to me with the dates you are going to be jumping with Al as i will get the train down from france for a few days if you guys will be there ok

    bsbd feral

    p.s dwain watch out i think the luck bucket empty should make for some funny video :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

  5. #5

    RE: Reflections

    BASE-related drama? I tend to think of it as Dwain-related drama. Has anyone else ever noticed that the drama quotient goes up exponentially when Dwain is around? He's just got that aura of "funky stuff going down" around him, and it always makes for interesting jumps. And he looks like a bloody criminal, glowing hair or no. Whuffos just don't trust someone with that gleam in his eye.

    Also, just for the record, DW and I actually backed off a jump earlier this week. Yes, while jumping together we actually made a rational decision due to bad winds and DID NOT JUMP even though we were at exit point and both of us even had packed rigs. So there.

    The thing that scares me most about BASE jumping is the prospect (likelihood) of losing dear friends to the sport in the future. That's far more frightening to me than any injury I might sustain personally - and something I've experienced before with climbing friends. Half of me thinks that some of us who really tend to push the envelope (as Dwain says) are going to die either doing something stupid like tripping and falling down the stairs at the pharmacy, or peacefully in our beds at a ripe old age. Or choking on a potato chip.

    Dwain, watch yourself out there. Many people around the world consider you a friend and brother, and we'd all miss those random "Dwain moments" and out-of-left-field "Dwain theories of the universe" if you ever do smoke it a bit too low and the gods of good luck don't come to your rescue. And no blind exits, remember? We promised and I intend to hold you to that one promise if nothing else.

    Peace, my friend.


  6. #6

    RE: Reflections

    Hey, you forgot to thank Robin Heid, BASE 44.

    >Special thanks to PeteF, GregW, TomB, MarkD,
    >GaryC, NickG, Feral, Tarn, Slim, Rune, Yuri,
    >JohnnyU, AnneH, DanielT, Fast Al, TomA, NikH,
    >Doug, DJ, Ray and of course Karin, plus many
    >others, for those extra interesting jumps and
    >bizarre BASE related moments.

  7. #7
    Tom B

    RE: Reflections

    Thanks for the jumps - some of the best visuals and "way out there" moments in my life. Some close calls, lots of great footage, many interesting stories, great experiences, new sites all over the world, good contacts, great people, etc.

    p.s. we still have to do some CRW from an aeroplane (preferably AFTER deployment).

    AND - you've got a long way to go to get more chops and suspensions than me!!!! DARE YOU!!! ;)

    p.s. out of curiosity who have you done the most 2 (multi) ways with???

    say hello to the Portland crowd!!!

  8. #8

    RE: Reflections


    What is most interesting to me on top of the cool stats are the friendships that you have made while travelling around experiencing the various facets of BASE. Congrat's on your continued exploration of this activity and thank you for always contributing your knowledge and experience to further the inspiration that the whole BASE community can share in while pursuing the activity with a balance of reverence and discovery.


    Cygnus and Kimmy Jo:-)

  9. #9
    Huckin Idiot

    RE: Reflections

    Yea, yea, yea.......

    Dwain, I just have this to say:

    Jesus Tap dancing Christ!
    You're a sick Fuk!

  10. #10

    RE: Reflections

    Congrats DW.
    Glad I got to be a part of at least a couple of 'em, even if your presence seems to be highly correlated with less than ideal outcomes for me!
    Next time I get to fall through your canopy, OK?

  11. #11

    RE: Reflections

    Did you figure out your lowest and highest altitude jumps?:+

  12. #12

    RE: Reflections

    Well, cripes, I am pretty sure I know the lowest one over hard ground. That's right. . . the Bridge - Hotel Exit, all 136 feet of it. Yeah, boy, that sure was fun ;-) Don't see a long line of jumpers queuing up to get next load off that baby.

    We get much lower, and we might as well leave the rigs at home and just get really good with the PLF.



  13. #13
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) crwper's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Perigee Pro

    RE: Reflections

    ... and move to Canada.


  14. #14

    Answers to questions

    In response to comments and in answer to questions posted:

    DJ: You are the master of speaking fluent drunkanese.

    Feral: Yes the luck bucket is empty and I'm very sure the video will be funny.

    Doug: No it isn't "Dwain related drama" - I object to that. Things always go smoothly when I organize them. x(

    anon coward: Yes I forgot to thank Robin Heid (and others). Robin certainly did result in some bizarre BASE related moments (and also for the 23 jumps I did from Petronas ;-) ha ha).

    Tom B: We have done CRW from an airplane (remember our near lifetime-skydiving-ban at the World Meet in '99 for our 2-way "three ring failure" when doing CRW?). Most 2 ways - definitely with you.

    Josh: Sure you can freefall through my canopy anytime (you just have to dump after me to do that &-) ).

    Lowest jump: 60ft into knee deep water (pounded in). Did this twice. Stupid.
    Lowest jump over hard earth: This crappy bit of metal sticking out of the ground. Probably under 100' (Jump, open, immediate rear riser flare, pound). I didn't have anything to measure the height of the object. It wasn't much fun though. Stupid.
    Lowest freefall over hard earth: In the 156' range (according to ranger finder). I've done this a bunch of times with customized gear. This is asking for broken bits.
    Highest altitude exit: cliff at 12,600' ASL. A 9,000' canopy ride followed. Fun.
    Longest vertical distance traveled in freefall on a BASE jump: With wingsuit: about 5,000'. Without wingsuit: probably about 4,000'. Fun.

    I'd be interested to hear other people's stats with, say, over a hundred BASE jumps.
    -Most and least jumped object (B.A.S.E)
    -Total Number of objects
    -Slider up vs slider down
    -Number of serious injuries
    -Number of times you've been to court
    -Number of times you've been busted but let walk away
    -Number of object strikes
    -Number of serious gear problems
    -Number of near miss/carnage incidents
    -Number of tree landings (or light posts or whatever).
    Plus any other random bits of interesting information.
    Names can be changed to protect the guilty if need be....

  15. #15

    RE: Answers to questions

    cool! no harm meant about Robin Heid. just trolling.

    least jumped object: cliffs & bridges

    total number: 30+, 7 first jumps off these objects. no popular sites visited except for bridge day.

    ~250 slider ups, unknown slider downs (<75)

    injuries: one shattered femur jumping experimental gear. cause: impact. landed on a fire ant nest. ouch!!!

    closest coming to death after a base jump:
    hit a cow with my car at 50mph on a highway.

    busts: one time to court. beat it. quoted by Clinton after making several newspaper front page covers next to George Bush making his jump into his presidential library.

    two serious gear problems, fixed before impact.
    one slider entanglement after jumping an antenna with no ladder alone at night in the friggin cold.
    yelled "only for the hardcore" jumped from 850, tossed after 3.5s, started a violent spin, pumped brakes everytime I faced away from antenna. Fixed on third spin. Landed shortly afterwards. Kissed ground.

    one slider up line over, resulting in spin. pulled on toggle to increase spin rate resulting in fixed lineover.

    zero object strikes.

    too many near carnage incidents.

    most notable jump: control tower at Intercontinental Airport, 100' away from airliners taxing. this was my first building.

    notable jump: first jumper at Bridge Day in mid-90s.

    scary jump: was charged by alligators after landing in the wrong place at night, after jumping with a police officer.

    amusing jump: attacked by buzzards at night when I woke them climbing past.

    cool jump: jumping a tower in the country with a crowd of 80 year olds clapping when I landed.

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