Welcome to the BLiNC Magazine.
Everything you ever wanted to know about BASE Jumping and Wingsuit proximity flying, but didn't know whom to ask.
Public BASE Jumping discussion Forum.
General forum for new (Beginner) BASE jumpers, or people wanting to get into BASE Jumping.
(Flaming forbidden and strictly enforced!)
Incidents Forum: BASE jumping is a highly dangerous sport that can severely injure and kill participants. It may kill you. The moderators of BLiNC do not recommend BASE jumping to anybody! Read the BASE fatality list and the Fatality Statistics page and think long and hard before making a BASE jump.
RSS News Feeds for BASE Jumping and Parachute Related articles.
product and service reviews
This is where you can pay your respects to those whom have fallen and show support to those involved. Keep the detailed discussions of the event in the Incidents forum.
Rant, rave, or just B.S. about anything and everything non-BASE.
Skydiving Related Discussions
Have a skydiving related question? Get a skydiving related answer here. If your post is related to another topical forum, please post there. If it's not related to skydiving, please post in the Bonfire or Speaker's Corner.
Skydiving News Feed
The forum for all things related to Speed-Flying, Speed Riding and Paragliding.
The forum for all things related to Paragliding.
Speed Flying, Speed Riding and Paragliding News.
Speed Riding is an extreme winter sport that involves a combination of paragliding and skiing. Speed-Flying is Speed Riding, but foot launching the same canopy.
Discussion forums related to the magazine
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